How to Save Money at Walgreens
When it comes to saving money at Walgreens, just like any other store, you need to know the secret tips. Walgreens is a great place to save money because they readily accept coupons, have great sales and a wide variety of household goods at decent prices. Here are some tips for saving money at Walgreens.
How to Save Money at Walgreens
First and foremost, sign up for their Balance Rewards program. It can give you point values based on purchases on promotion throughout the store. For every 1,000 points you accumulate, you get $1 to spend on future purchases on anything in the store. You also get 500 points per prescription you fill in the store (as long as it is not paid for with government medical aid such as Medicare or Medicaid).
Balance Rewards also offers a program called Healthy Choices as well which give you 20 points per mile that you track in your exercise routine. You also get more points the more often you track your walking and jogging routine. This is great motivation to get and stay fit!
Check with the weekly ads and circulars. Sometimes there are coupons available in them that can be used along with (stacked) a manufacturer’s coupon. Walgreens also has their own coupon books available throughout the store filled with coupons. They issue a new coupon book every month. Also, during special times of the year, such as cold and flu season, you can often find coupon booklets in the cold and flu aisle of the store.
If you are diabetic, stop by the pharmacy counter and pick up their magazine geared towards diabetics. It is free and usually contains coupons for products for diabetics.
Make sure to rebate at Walgreen’s. There are a great number of items that you can get free at Walgreen’s with rebates. Walgreen’s even makes it easy put pointing out in the circulars and on the shelf if an item can be rebated.
Always check for regular manufacturers coupons as well. Often Walgreen’s sales will coincide with the current coupons that are out, and you may be able to get them for free or very low cost when you match.
Look for orange tags. This is Walgreen’s way of clearing out discontinued merchandise. You will often find these in the health and beauty section, but they can sometimes be found in other sections of the store as well. If you have coupons, you can use them on these items and get them free.
Check the end caps in the back of the store. This is where they keep all their odds and ends, and many discounted oranges tag items. I have found product discounted as much as 90% off before and you can use a coupon on discounted product!
Use your balance rewards the smart way. Use them to buy items you have coupons for and that you have matched with sales, and you won’t chip away from the account balance as fast. Also, don’t automatically assume they will apply to purchases. You often have to ask for them to apply as you are checking out. When you make a purchase that you get points on, make sure you understand what rules must be met in order to get the points and always check your receipt to make sure they appear on your account balance statement at the bottom.
You can really save money at Walgreens when you are shopping strategically! Do you have any tips to share?
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Walgreens also offers a 20% discount on any REGULARLY priced item to seniors on the first Tuesday of the month. I’m not sure what age they consider senior. AARP members can earn extra balance reward points once a month.