Why I am in LOVE with this Hot Pink, Black and Teal Outfit
Why I am in LOVE with this Outfit! Today I am sharing with you why I am in LOVE with this Hot Pink, Black and Teal Outfit. I recently took an online fashion course called Adore Your Wardrobe. It has been a game changer for me in terms of fashion. I get more compliments on a daily basis, I have less in my closet as a result and it doesn’t take me long to get dressed on a daily basis! One of the key items that I took away from this course was investing in quality pieces that look good on your body type.
I LOVE this color combination. In the past I have never owned a pair of hot pink pants. Why? I have no idea! This course taught be about color choices and that you need to dress based on your coloring. I am a cool so that means I need to dress in colors that are on the cool side of the color wheel. Pairing these hot pink pants with a black shirt is a great choice. Instead of wearing a silver necklace when you match it with a colorful statement necklace you really take your outfit to another level! I in love with this color combo and each time I wear it I get tons of compliments which is nice 🙂
Outfit Details:
Hot Pink Pants – Belk
Teal Necklace – Charming Charlies
Black Shirt – Macy’s
Black and Silver Shoes – DSW Warehouse
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.