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Live Life with No Regrets

As you know I recently survived my 2nd open heart surgery.  It was a really amazing experience for me.  I found that through the entire process I stayed really positive and I never thought “what if”.  As a result of the survival of open heart surgery number 2 I committed to my friends and family that I would be sure to Live my Life with No Regrets.

Live Life with No Regrets

After my surgery I met with my Cardiologist and he said to me “you just had a reset button on your life”.  WOW!  How often do people get the opportunity to set a reset button?!? So I took his words to heart (literally) and decided to move forward with this new found philosophy.  I have been gluten free for 2 1/2 years and decided to go Paleo starting in January.  I have been feeling GREAT as a result.  I was also just released to exercise so that is next on my agenda.

In terms of my family and friends I have always taken time for them but now I take “extra” time for them.  When they call I answer – who knows what is going on with them and maybe they really need me.  I have been taking time for lunch dates with my husband and spending even more quality time with Peyton.

fred the door man

Live Life with No Regrets

My Mom asked me to come to Berea (home) for a visit over Valentine’s Day and we enjoyed a family Tea at Boone Tavern Hotel.  The time that we spent together with my parents, niece and nephew is etched into my mind forever.  On my way out of the hotel I took a few minutes to talk to Fred the Doorman.  Fred has been the doorman as long as I can remember and on the way out he gave each and every one of us of a big hug and was so happy.  I said, “Fred, you are always so positive” and then he responded.  “I like to live each day like it is my last with no regrets”.  I really took what he said to heart.  This is how I decided to live my life after my reset button and I wanted to share this with you.

As you know my goal this year was to start saying “no” and it has been really life changing for me.  It is OK to say NO and I have been but I am also living life with No Regrets and saying YES when I want too 🙂

Heart Health Posts:

What is Kawasaki Disease?
Surviving My 2nd Open Heart Surgery
February is American Heart Month
It is OK to say NO (thank you)

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  1. I am so glad you got the chance to “hit the reset button” 🙂 I feel like I had that chance as well…I had a thoracotomy done to remove a mass from my chest that was laying on my heart and pushing on my lung….The diagnosis from the pulmonologist was grim…End stage non-hodgkins…After several months and MRI’s it was determined by a cardiologist that it was a birth defect…Thank God…This had grew and had to be removed as it could turn cancerous or rupture which could kill me…and that in order to remove it I may lose a portion of my heart…The surgery was horrible…that is putting it nicely…but I survived, and there were no cancer cells and I kept my entire heart intact!

  2. To Live Life with No Regrets is so freeing. It is ok to say no and that gives you a freedom to say YES when you really need to be there.

    We don’t often get a reset on life.. take advantage of it!

  3. I am so glad you were able to hit the ‘reset’ button on your life. I do my best to live life with no regrets, though I do need to learn to say ‘NO’ more. I have been taking more time with my family, trying to answer emails and phone calls that I might otherwise wave off as unimportant, but you are right -we never know what someone may be going thru or if they might need us. Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is such a touching post! It is all about perspective isn’t it! I try to live intentionally each day, but it is easy to get caught up in the rat race, so I have to step back and reevaluate every few weeks to stay on course with my goal to truly enjoy the life I’ve been given.

  5. Just re reading your story, and it just reaffirms what I’ve been feeling lately. Sometimes life gets overwhelming,and there are a lot of times I regret how I spent my day. Laundry can wait (well sometimes) and so can that extra blog post 🙂 Spending time with family and friends and always being there for them, raising my children right – THAT to me is living life without regrets. 🙂

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