How to Save Money on Christmas Decorations
How to save money on Christmas Decorations. Every year we dig out the old box of decorations and sort through the fun memories of Christmas past. This year update your decorations inexpensively by using our tricks for How To Save On Christmas Decorations.
Not only can you use things you wouldn’t think about using, but you can create fun new traditions with your decorations.
REPURPOSE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Use things like the candles you already have on hand as decorations. If you have cream, white, green, red or maroon candles they can be used as excellent center pieces throughout your home during the holidays.
STOCK UP AT THE DOLLAR STORE: Napkins, paper plates, hoilday dish towels, pillows and table clothes are all only $1 each at your local dollar store. During the year you can grab the traditional holiday colors of red and green, or things like blue, silver, gold or black for different variations on the traditional holiday colors.
UPDATE WITH WASHI TAPE: For only a few dollars a roll, you can easily update picture frames, candle holders, stem ware or bowls to be used for center pieces with inexpensive holiday themed and colored washi tape. Peel, stick and vioila! You have just made a custom decoration.
USE REAL FOILAGE FROM AROUND YOUR HOME: Snip cedar limbs from the tree in your yard. Grab springs with berries from your holly bush or simply use pine cones that have been sprayed with fun glitter for practically free decorations around your home.
TISSUE PAPER OR TULLE WREATHES: Seriously, cheap and easy! Grab a simple foam wreath at your craft store, a few sheets of varied colors of tissue paper or some inexpensive tulle and warp around the wreath for a cute and simple decoration.
USE FREE PRINTABLES OR KIDS ART WORK: Check out the numerous free images you can print online or grab your kids art work and frame them for inexpensive and fun decorations.
MAKE PAPER CHAINS: Nothing is easier than cutting up strips of paper, gluing them together and creating a colorful paper chain. Kids will love being a part of the craft. Plus it gives your tree and home a classic rustic feel.
STRING POPCORN OR CRANBERRIES: Going with the classic theme, make your own simple garlands using popcorn or cranberries stringed together and looped around your tree.
Decorating for the holidays doesn’t require a ton of money or time. How to save on Christmas decorations is as simple as looking around your home and craft supplies to create fun and whimsical decorations that fit within your budget and your personal taste.
Christmas Ideas:
Cute As a Button Christmas Ornament
How the Grinch Stole Christmas Party
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
This is superb! I really love creating unique DIY stuffs. Thanks for sharing how to posts. This will really help me build some more creations to add up my collections.