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How to help a gluten attack

Are you gluten free? Have you ever been glutened? Read this tip on how to help with a gluten attack #Celiac

I am sharing this tip for How to help a gluten attack. When I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease and was suffering from daily gluten attacks, I was given several pieces of advice from my chiropractor and friends that I want to share with you.

Of course, the best tip is to avoid gluten and cross contamination and you will feel better. However, what happens when you accidentally have a gluten attack? When I was trying to figure out what had gluten in it and what did not, I was suffering from gluten attacks nearly every day. Luckily I got better at reading labels and decoding however if I do have a gluten attack or am accidentally glutened I turn to these tips.

How to help a gluten attack:

1. Take up to 4 shots of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar – Pour 1 TBSP of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and mix it with 3 TBSP of water and drink. Followed by a 8 – 16 oz glass of water.
2. Take the juice of one fresh lemon and mix it with 2 quarts of water and drink it over the course of a few hours (not at one time).
3. Slice 1 cucumber and place it in a pitcher with 2 quarts of water. For best results allow the water to chill for 4 hours prior to drinking. Drink as much as you can (not at one time).  I like to keep this in my fridge daily.
4. Sip on hot peppermint tea – it will help soothe your stomach.
5. Suck on a peppermint candy.

The day following a gluten attack, I personally try to get an adjustment from my chiropractor, drink as much water and rest. I also continue with up to 4 shots of Bragg’s if necessary.  Depending on the severity of the gluten attack I may need several adjustments during the next 10 days.

All gluten attacks vary – some are intestinal and some are neurological.  Regardless of how your body reacts this can help you. I hope this helps!

Essential Oils that help with a Gluten Attack

I have also found that Essential Oils help me when I am glutened.  Read this post for tips!

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. I share with you my personal experience however I am in no way trying to represent a health care professional.

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    1. Its different with everyone. Some people get terrible headaches, some get diearha, and some people get a terrible rash that they can’t get rid of. Sometimes your gut feels really hard and it hurts.

    2. Like everyone here said, it’s different for everyone. For me, ibs/constipation/diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, horrible stomach pains, heartburn, dizziness, bloating, ache, lactose intolerant now 🙁 . This all depends how allergic you are and if you’ve given it up.

      1. I agree with you Natalie. Everything you describe is what I have been feeling since being diagnosed with Celiac and Lactose Intolerant. It’s been 7 months (seems like an eternity when you do notfeel well!) I was told it would take up to 18 months to heal my inflammation. My motto has been ‘This too shall pass’. Each day seems a little better but when you eat the something unknowingly containing gluten or dairy my gut lets me know.

  1. A great treatment I advise all clients suffering with a ‘gluten attack’ as well as food allergy reactions is 1/4 tsp baking soda in 2oz of water given at first symptom. For children we do 1/8 tsp baking soda in 2 oz water. (Surprisingly, kids will swallow it better than adults! )

    This treatment neutralizes the reaction and quells symptoms. Kimberly, attacks for both gluten/celiac and food allergy can include abdominal pain & cramping, diarrhea, gas, nausa, etc.

    Unfortunately, I see many clients misdiagnosed & treated inappropriately. Sigh. I advise everyone to get a diagnosis of celiac or gluten intolerance BEFORE taking all gluten out of their diet. A lot of people are told to take out all gluten when in fact it was only a wheat allergy and not a gluten intolerance, etc. the symptoms above can be seen in both illnesses.

    ***Any severe food allergy should be treated with Benadryl and/or Epi pen as prescribed by a doctor!***

    Great tips Melissa!

  2. Ok, forgive me if this seems like a silly question, but what is the difference between a gluten allergy and a wheat intolerance?

    1. Kimberly B – an allergy and intolerance are different however those with an intolerance can not digest or tolerate gluten making them very sick.

    2. its crazy but I am celiac and can’t tolerate Gluten yet I took an allergy test and I am not allergic to Wheat. So its two different this….

  3. It is NOT a silly question, I’m glad you asked! (I have doctors who do not know the difference!). Gluten intolerance is when the body is unable to break down the gluten found in grains. (Wheat, Kamut, Spelt, etc). Gluten is what gives breads it’s chewiness, etc. The only key in avoiding symptoms is to avoid all gluten, forever.

    A wheat allergy is different. Here, wheat causes allergy symptoms but a person IS able to eat gluten in other grains such as Spelt, Kamut, rye, etc. While many symptoms are the same, the diseases are very different.

    Another example is lactose intolerance and milk allergy. These are 2 different things! With lactose intolerance, your body lacks the enzyme that digests lactose in milk. But a milk allergy means your body CAN digest lactose, however you develop allergy symptoms when drinking milk. (This is the largest misdiagnosis amongst my clients, and gluten intolerance is 2nd).

    I hope I cleared up your question! You are always welcome to email me with any questions, too. I’m happy to help and point you to more resources on this subject! keldal@hotmail.

  4. it is nice to know someone who knows the difference between a dairy allergy and lactose intolerance. my son has a dairy allergy and so many people dont realize that it means he can have no form of dairy and that it doesnt just cause a belly ache it makes him seriously ill

    1. It IS difficult having to educate the public over and over about this Virginia! Part of the fault lies with our doctors. They are quick to blame symptoms on lactose intolerance so that is more common for people to hear. Yet as you know, food allergy can be so dangerous. It is frustrating for those of us with allergies! Hang in there!! 🙂

  5. Thanks for the tips. I just shared this on my page. I managed to gluten myself at breakfast. I am usually so good about cross contamination. The baking soda helped. Now onto the Braggs and cucumber water. Thanks again.

  6. I drink whole leaf aloe vera juice- 8 oz. Daily, and a Probiitic when I think I have digested gluten. Aloe Vera juice is known for its many healing properties; one being the restoration of the intestinal lining. The best buy is Walmart pharmacy section by the Metamucil – a gallon of whole leaf aloe vera for less than $8. I’ve used it since 2007. Those with peripheral neuropathy or poor circulation/veins with absolutely benefit!

    1. Thanks for sharing that! I drink Aloe Vera juice daily too in my green smoothies.

  7. I have another one for you, it works for me and both my children: tonic water (with quinine). A few swallows and my stomach doesn’t hurt and I’m not running to the bathroom.

  8. Wow! Thanks for sharing those tips. I have Celiac Disease and have been gluten free for over 3 years now. I still ocassionally get glutened – usually when I eat out. I will definitely try your tips out next time I am glutened.

  9. I actually have a wheat allergy and can’t eat or process wheat/wheat products. I have found the difference is the severity of reaction and level of tolerence. I’ve been tested for celiac (both blood and the invasive test) and unless its a coincidence I guess I could have a gluten intolerance too.

  10. When I have a gluten attack sometimes putting a heating pad on my stomach helps ease the pain of for me feels like I’m trying to digest a cactus

  11. I am so happy to read this. I am still working out the kinks and its seems even the tiniest bit digested is a problem. I do have a question, has anyone ever had problems with heart burn or something similar to that from their gluten intolerance?

    1. I belch a lot and get really bad stomach bloating. My Mom had severe heartburn and acid reflux before going gluten free and now doesn’t have to take medication.

    2. Yes. In fact the symptom of heartburn is what sent me to a gastroenterologist in the first place. When I got scoped he suspected Celiac Disease and a blood test confirmed it. Now that I follow a GF diet I no longer have heartburn.

  12. Does this also work for when Gluten causes your RA to flare. If I drink apple cider vinegar, will it prevent flare ups?

  13. I didn’t have any ACV with the mother on hand so I just chugged some without it. Within a few minutes, my headache started to clear up. So I can imagine if I had Bragg’s on hand it would be much better. I still have the headache but it is not nearly as intense. I’m going to bookmark this one and keep it on hand. It is so bad for your body to constantly take anti-inflammatories and other stuff… and sometimes I don’t bring on this Gluten Attack myself (like I did today). Sometimes it just sneaks it’s way into my food. So this would be great for either situation.

    1. So true Liz! Glad we could help you. I have used another brand before too and don’t get the same result as with Braggs.

  14. What if you have cut gluten out years ago? I’ve been gluten free for 4 years but still get glutened now and again. Do I need to know if I am celiac? Or just continue to eat gluten free? If I do need to know, then do I need to reintroduce gluten before being tested?

    1. I would not put myself through the pain of testing and just continue to eat gluten free. When you get glutened do you have a reaction?

      1. I have been gluten free for 5 years now. After reading everyone’s comments I realized that I have experienced all of the symptoms during a bad gluten attack. I’m so glad everyone shares! My last attack put me in bed and bathroom for 3 days. I had a headache, throwing up, and severe diarrhea. Not to mention the foggy head!

    2. If you have been eating gluten free. If you get tested for celiac you have to go back to eating gluten for about 1 – 2 weeks. The test will show if your Celiac or just gluten Intolorant.

    3. A simple blood test will let you know. However, some blood test results can be false-positive or false-negative. I was tested a few times because my medical doctor did not have faith in my results from somewhere else. The results were the same. My gastroenterologist also did not have faith in those tests, so he ordered a “fancier” more “expensive” test all with same exact results. He finally agreed to a biopsy of my duodenum. By that time I had ben gf for 2 months and the results were borderline. He did not understand that my villi had partially self-healed. I think he was indignant that he was not the one who diagnosed me. He still refused to officially diagnose me. I never went back to him. This was 12 years ago. I think today that gi specialists can no longer play dumb about this disease.

    4. Hi Irene,
      I’m not sure if you’ll see this reply as it’s three years late – but I do hope you decided to get tested. I have been gluten-free for four years as I had narrowed down gluten as a bad irritant to my body (swelling issues, bloating, nausea, bad skin, migraines), and explained to my doctor that due to these severe symptoms, I was not willing to introduce gluten back into my diet for 6-8 weeks in order to get officially tested for celiac disease. She explained that although she understands my reluctance, for the sake of 6-8 weeks of potential misery, it would be worth my while. She said that upon an official celiac diagnosis, I would receive ongoing treatment for other conditions associated with celiac disease, including getting bone mineral density tests every year. She also said that they will screen for other auto-immune diseases, as they often go hand-in-hand with each other – something that I would miss out on if I were indeed celiac but didn’t know it. She also said something else which made me change my mind – every time a person with celiac disease ingests gluten, their risks of developing certain types of intestinal/colorectal cancer rise dramatically (up to 80 times, depending on the exposure). She didn’t say this to scare me, just to give me a reality check. We’re talking ‘Gluten-free but processed in a factory that also processes wheat’ kinds of exposure. Not straight up eating a wheat biscuit.
      Additionally, an official diagnosis means that it would be fundamentally important for my immediate relatives to get checked, as they could possibly have the disease as well, and could be doing untold, and irreversible, damage to their bodies by continuing to eat gluten.
      So, although I am afraid of what my happen to me over the next 6-8 weeks before my gastroscopy/colonoscopy (on day 2 of eating gluten again and suddenly looking 5 months pregnant without the glow…) if indeed I do have celiac disease, an official diagnosis could greatly benefit me and my family in so many ways.
      If it turns out that I do not in fact have celiac disease, the doctors can then eliminate this as a factor and investigate further the source of my intestinal distresses.

      1. I tested positive with a blood test. I am quite sever actually. I hope the best for you in your journey!

      2. Honestly, this doctor is selling her services, if what You are doing is working, why do you even need her? I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me the food industry is killing me in their pursuit to make a perfect plant that is disease resistant, pest resistant and drought resistant. Because gluten and wheat etc make you sick, please spend your money on good supplements and self education. I don’t want a test, I don’t want to be sick again, I don’t want to spend money on worthless tests, exams, fees, and medications. I just know that God almighty will take me when it is time, and my job here on earth is to worship him, and keep my health as good as I possibly can. Have faith in yourself you are doing what’s right for you, trusting in anyone else, despite their education level is not going to do anything but drain your health and your wallet. Our maker told us what not to eat, and he expects us to make and grow our food to the best of our ability, relying on the food industry is also what makes us sick. I was married to someone in crop science, I am well aware of what they have done, and this wheat is contaminated now and in everything from shampoo to wood glue. I think everything you’ve done is spot on and I wouldn’t be brow beat into or pushed in any other direction than the one you are already on. Wishing you peace and self love.

  15. This is Awesome! Super good to know, thank you! I’d like to add one to the list that helps me. I have a gluten intolerance/allergy. I’ve never been tested for celiacs. I figured out that I was gluten intolerant by doing an elimination diet. My symptoms are gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and sadness/depression. My trick for helping the cramping and diarrhea is to take psyllium husk pills (you can buy them at target). You take 5 pills as soon as you start feeling the cramping and I usually have some tea with it too. The cramping goes away pretty quickly and your next BM is a healthy one.

    1. That’s great that psyllium husk is so effective for you. Just a warning to others, though, it is considered a harsh substance for the intestines, and often not recommended for celiacs et al. with inflamed intestines. Some recommend charcoal, too, and I’ve heard mixed reviews for that too. Also maybe worth a try, but with care.

  16. I found a pill that allows me to eat a little gluten. I have not tried a serving of gluten with this pill. It is called Gluten ease. And I found it at Walgreens.

    1. I too have a wheat sensitivity, and have eliminated almost all wheat products from my diet. I do however, still have the occasional craving for Pizza and Cheese steaks or slice of case. Perhaps the Gluten ease will help if I happen to fail at some point during the holidays. I will look into it. Thanks for the tip!

  17. I have read that rheumatoid arthritis can be eased by going gluten free but it takes a long time for results. I do not want to take prescription drugs for it. What do you advise for RA treatment?

    1. I have heard that it does help. My friend who has RA is on a low sodium and vegetarian diet and it helps her. Hope that helps!

    2. Yes! I have RA and after gluten free for 6 months, 70% better! I’m still affected by extreme pressure in the air due to climate though.

  18. My son has multiple food sensitivities including wheat and gluten. He suffers from debilitating migraines. Would you suggest Braggs at the onset of a migraine? I see others in the comments who have had success doing so with headaches. Probably wouldn’t hurt to try! He’s a slim built 9 year old, so maybe 2 tablespoons?

    1. Yes, I would try it for sure! It can’t hurt him. I would start with 1 TBSP and see if he gets any relief. The sooner the better. I carry it with me in my purse at all times.

  19. So odd question. I don’t get a lot of the GI issues, but I do get the itchy blisters (dermatitis hepatiformis). Any idea if any of your suggestions would help clear up the blisters quicker? I am a confirmed celiac and I am gluten free, however being glutened is unfortunately inevitably! I am always looking for ideas because these blisters are just the worst!

  20. I am curious, has anyone tried activated charcoal when they get ‘glutened’? Activated charcoal is often given for food poisoning and isn’t being exposed to gluten or wheat (if that is your intolerance) essentially poisoning the body? I don’t think it would be a fix all, but it might lessen the effects. it seems to make sense to me and I am just looking for opinions.

    1. I’m celiac and I’ve tried charcoal after gluten exposures. I don’t notice or feel a difference, but continue to take it when glutened, based on what I’ve read about it—that it binds to toxins, namely gluten, for speedier removal from the system. I take it in small doses because I’ve heard overdoing it can make one feel worse—cramped, maybe; I’m not sure. The things I take that make a noticeable difference in my gut are bone broth, L-glutamine, marshmallow root tea, probiotics, ginger, magnesium, holy basil,turmeric, bitters. I’m trying ACV now too. I might add quercetin.

  21. I recently learned that I have IBS and gluten is one of my culprits although not all gluten items affect me the same. For example, pasta leaves me terribly bloated whereas the Sunmaid raisin bread that I love has little effect on me. Do different foods have different gluten levels? I wonder if Braggs will help for the other items I sometimes forget I can’t eat with IBS like eggplant or cabbage (totally spaced on that one when I ate coleslaw the other day).

  22. I have gluten sensitivity and also a high acid content in my stomach so anything acid-based and all peppermint based sweets or teas/foods, make my stomach burn even more, like its on fire. I have found what works best, and on the first swallow, is a tbsp of baking soda mixed with about 1/4 water. Stir it up and drink down in one swallow if you can. Instant relief from the pain and burning.

  23. A dairy allergy means you can’t have anything cows milk or cows milk related that means you CAN NOT have lactose either I have both celiac and dairy allergy.
    I found a really hot water bottle to my stomach works best in a gluten break out or a really hot bath as it relaxes my body enough to let the toxins pass through my body quicker.

  24. How long do you leave cucumber water before disposing of and making more? In other words, how long will it stay fresh?

  25. Thanks for sharing! Apple cider vinegar can do wonders. For me digestive enzymes, probiotics, and detoxing essential oils have done wonders.

  26. I just got glutened last night. My symptoms don’t show up for a few hours after I eat and then I get the worst abdominal cramping and violent vomiting. I’m in pain for several hours depending on how bad the exposure was and how long it takes for me to vomit everything out of my stomach. Because of the stomach issues I’m afraid to try the apple cider vinegar solution but at the same time desperate to try anything to help. Hs anyone tried the apple cider vinegar and found help with relieving the vomiting and pain?

    1. Yes, it really works. It almost instantly starts to settle. Another tip is to use digestzen essential oil on your belly.

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