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How To Get Your Steps In

This year is about to come to an end and I have spent my year tracking my steps.  I have lost about 12 pounds and I feel healthier.  Food is one of my favorite things and I am not very good at giving up the things I love.  I have focused a lot on my activity so I can have the best of all worlds. I am always thinking of  How To Get Your Steps In!

Eating better and getting more exercise has helped me in so many ways. My health has improved, my cholesterol and sugar have lowered, my mental and emotional health are also better. I like to set a goal of at least 20 minutes a day of elevated activity.  This gets my heart pumping and I feel so much better after.

Most important way to go into the new year is with goals! My first goal is to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. So how can you get your steps in every day?  That is a great question and I am sharing my top ways to get my steps in daily.

How To Get Your Steps In

  • Set aside 30 minutes a day for walking. You can even split it up into two 15 minute walks!
  • Get outside and be adventurous!
  • Park your car in the furthest parking place at the store.
  • Dance party with your kids.  My kids love my dance parties.
  • Video games that get you up and moving.
  • Keep moving while you are fixing dinner.  (Again I am a dancer!)
  • Play music while you are cleaning.  You are sure to get in some activity and steps.
  • Take the stairs.
  • Pace while you are on the phone. If you are talking to me I can guarantee I am walking while talking.
  • If you play games on your phone walk instead of sit while playing.
  • Walk during commercial breaks of your favorite shows. (I sometimes walk the whole show)
  • Walk your dog.
  • Get your friends or co-workers to walk with you.
  • Take extra trips.  Don’t grab every grocery bag at the same time.  You can add this to many things in your life.
  • Compete. I am a competitive person and I do well when I am walking with others and logging by Fitbit.
  • Jump rope.  I do this while I am watching tv but without the rope.
  • When you are waiting for your kids at school, get out and walk.
  • Sit on an exercise ball and bounce while watching tv. I know people that use them at their desk.
  • Check out walking videos on YouTube!
  • Treadmills
  • If you are on vacation, walk the beach or around the hotel every morning and evening.
  • Hike
  • Mall walk
  • Start an online walking group with check ins!

These are all things I personally do and I would love to hear your ideas! Please comment all your great ideas below!  If you are interested in connecting on fitbit’s app let me know!

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