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Going Green while Traveling

Going Green while Traveling. These are some great tips to help you go green while you travel.

Going Green while Traveling:

Cameras – use digital instead of a camera that needs film.  The solutions to develop film are hazardous to the environment.  Although, disposable cameras can be recycled, most aren’t!

Luggage tags – save the airport paper tags and get one that you will use on a constant basis.  We both have hard plastic one, so they hold up better!

Guidebooks – Do research on the net and save on paper for travel books!  Just print out what you need!

Toiletries – Take your own and save plastic.  (And get to use what you want, rather than some off brand by hotels!)

Gas – I do not know how much truth there is to it, but they say to fill up at night!  Who knows if this is really true, but gas expands in heat, so it makes sense?

When you are away you should:

  1. Unplug unused appliances.
  2. Put lights on timers and outside lights on motion detectors.
  3. Turn off water to your Washer.  (This is one our friends learned about quickly.  They came home to a flooded basement!)
  4. Close shades
  5. Set your thermostat up or down accordingly!
  6. Have someone picking up papers and mail.

This information was researched in the green book. Written by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen, with a foreword by Cameron Diaz and William McDonough.

Other information researched by me.

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