What is a Manager’s Special?
What is a Manager’s Special? Why do you want to buy it?? Always keep your eyes open for specials and products that are marked down. Every day departments mark down items that are nearing expiration.
What is a Manager’s Special?
You can often find great markdowns on meat, dairy and produce, bread and bakery/deli. At most stores you can use a coupon with a Manager’s Special often time making the item free or near free. We also love when a manager’s special matches with a rebate.
At Kroger you will find Manager’s Specials with the sticker above. Our tip is to shop early to get the best deal on manager’s specials. You can often ask your butcher what time he makes his manager’s special reductions. At my store they make them between 7 am – 8 am which means that I like to be there a little before 8 am for the best selection.
This is a great way to save from your grocery budget because you can get these products at major savings when they are marked down. Especially when matched with a coupon.
Check out this post: Stockpiling 101 – FoodSaver and Stockpiling for tips on how to extend the life of your Manager’s Specials
Stockpiling 101
- How Does Price Matching Work?
- What is on sale in February?
- How to Understand the Grocery Sales Cycle
- Stockpiling – Preparing for Natural Disasters or Emergency
- Stockpiling 101 | Stockpiling For The Holidays™
- How Do I Start Stockpiling?
- Stockpiling Tip :: Look for Coupons on Packages
- 10 Items To Stockpile
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
My kroger won’t allow you to use coupon with clearance or manager special any longer:(
Are you sure it is a store policy? Some cashiers will “tell” you that.
My local kroger won’t allow a “store coupon” with managers special but will allow a manufactors coupon. I had a store coupon for bagged salad and it was on manager special for the same amount! So I thought it would be free, but the manager came over & explained the new policy effective 6/2012.
I got some oscar meyer lunch meat a week or so ago at kroger marked down to I think 1.99 for a big pack! worked well with a coupoon I had. I was able to get four packs which was awesome as my family its it like crazy!
My store allows it too!
I bought 4 bags of the 3.5 pound Iams cat food that Bi-Lo had on clearance for $4.24 each and used $3/1 coupons on each, paying just $5 for all four bags!
Awesome Deal!
The other day I got a Manger’s Special bag of cheese. It was fully sealed but only had 4.5 oz of shredded cheese in it (the package advertised 8 oz. It was marked down to 10 cents. Great deal for me!
My Kroger allows coupons with markdowns. I was surprised the other day when the customer service specialist told the cashier to take the entire $5.00 off coupon off the 2 marked down ($2.00/each) mascaras. That gave me a $1.00 overage.
Manager markdowns are my favorite reason to visit my local Kroger often.
WOW! Some GREAT deals!
Remke in Taylor Mill has a space for markdowns near the restrooms which are in the back on the left side …some great deals at times
Yes, that is a favorite of mine too!
We bought ground meat for some meatloaf that was marked as ‘Manager’s Special.’ The expiration date was still several days out. We made the meatloaf the next day, and it smelled off and tasted old. We did not eat the rest of it. I would not recommend buying managers’ specials because you never know what you’re getting. It’s not worth it to potentially get sick or get your whole family sick.