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Can you use Essential Oils for Horse Care?

Can you use Essential Oils for Horse Care?

Can you use Essential Oils for Horse Care? Horses tolerate oils well. However, despite their size, horses are sensitive. Use the same dosage for a horse as for an adult human – less for pregnant mares, Shetlands, and toy breeds. You should always consult your veterinarian before using essential oils for your horses.

  • Use the coronary band for foot applications.
  • Essential oils do no build up in the systems like drugs to; reply as needed.
  • Avoid getting oils in eyes; flush with milk if needed.

Can you use Essential Oils for Horse Care?

Frankincense – Colitis, Inflammation, Insect/Snake Bites, Scarring, Tumors, Warts

Helichrysum – Bleeding, Liver Issues, Nerve Damage, Would Care

Lavender – Abscesses, Allergies, Burns, Conjunctivitis, Inflammation, Vertigo, Wound Care

Lemon – Immune Boost, Lymph Function, Hoof Strength

Melaleuca – Colds, Hoof Rot, Lice, Mites, Rain Rot, Ringworm, Wound Care

Oregano – Bronchitis, Colds, Hoof Rot, Ringworm

Peppermint – Heatstroke, Inflammation, Muscle Pain

Cool-down Mist: In a 16 oz spray bottle, put 6-8 drops of Peppermint and fill the remainder of the bottle with distilled water. Spray horse, avoiding the eyes. Reapply as necessary.

Flies/Mosquitoes/Bots: Mist: In a 16 oz spray bottle, put 6-8 drops of Lemongrass and then fill the remainder of the bottle with distilled water. Lightly spray horse, avoiding eyes. Reapply as needed for prevention.

Sore Muscle Brace/Competition Brace Oil: In a 4 oz bottle, put 20 drops Lemongrass, 20 drops Frankincense and 10 drops Thyme. Fill the remaining space with carrier oil. Spray or rub down; wrap as usual.

More Essential Oils Posts:

Uses and Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

30 Ways To Use Essential Oils

Use and Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil

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How to remove sour smell from wet clothes

34 Uses for Lemon Essential Oil

Disclosure: We are NOT providing medical advice. Always consult your Veterinarian for medical treatment.  The advice shared in this page has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help.

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One Comment

  1. Wow, I never knew that using essential oils to horses is just the same as how we use it on adult humans. My cousin recently has received a horse as a gift from his parents. Since I will be visiting him to see his horse, I plan to bring something that he can use on his horse. It’s great to have known about this information because it gave me an idea to buy essential oils for this horse. Thanks!

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