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Use Ibotta to earn Cash Back for Back to School

It is hard to believe but it is Back to School time! ​It seems like summer flew by this year! As much as I LOVE having my son home for the summer I am craving a little routine after our busy summer. For me it is all about planning to be sure that back to school is a huge success! Of course, when it comes to back to school time that means lots of shopping.  Between clothes, shoes, a new back pack and school supplies, the list seems never ending.  Let us help you with back to school!  Do yourself a favor and Use Ibotta to earn Cash Back for Back to School!

Sign up today and save big with Ibotta!

As summer is winding down, easing back into your usual routine can be hard. Luckily, getting cash back with Ibotta is easy! Download the free Ibotta app and start earning cash back today. It is one of the best ways you can save this year for back to school. Ibotta is a great way for you to earn cash back when making purchases and it’s so easy to use too! So don’t forget to Use Ibotta to earn Cash Back for Back to School!

How you use Ibotta to earn Cash Back for Back to School

 Use Ibotta to earn Cash Back for Back to School and ever day purchases:

Are you new to Ibotta?

Step 1: Add Offers to your Account

  1. Once you’ve downloaded Ibotta and completed registration, open the Ibotta app to get started.
  2. Log in using your information. Select your favorite stores and apps.
  3. Find offers! On the Home screen, you can browse through suggested offers at some of your favorite retailers.
  4. Add offers to your account.
  5. The more offers you add, the more cash you can get back.

Step 2: Go Shopping

After adding offers to your account, they will be added to your My Offers list. Now is the simple part – just go shopping!

Step 3: Redeem

Ibotta users receive credit for eligible and successful redemption’s within 48 hours. Depending on the retailer, there are three ways to redeem offers:

Manual Receipt Submission:

Tap “Redeem” on the Navigation Bar. Select the appropriate Retailer.

Take clear photos of your receipt and select any eligible offers.

Some supported retailers will require you to scan a QR code or receipt barcode to redeem your offers.

If prompted, scan the barcodes of your selected products.

Preferred Partner/Loyalty Card Submission:

With some specific retailers, users must connect their loyalty card and add offers to their Ibotta account prior to shopping.

Users will automatically receive credit for successful redemption’s within 48 hours.

Mobile Shopping Submission:

Mobile Shopping retailers allow for in-app or app-to-app purchases. You will send a receipt, but Ibotta encourages you to hold on to the confirmation email until the offer has completed. You’ll receive email confirmations about your spending credit and when the cash back is added to your account.

Step 4: Earn Cash:

The best part about Ibotta is that you earn real money, not points or other made-up currencies.

Back To School Lunch Box Checklist (free printable)

Back To School Lunch Box Check List

My best back to school tip is to use a Back To School Lunch Box Check List so that meal planning will be a breeze!  We created a handy Back To School Lunch Box Checklist just for you! This will give you ideas of what to pack and best of all it will make it EASY for you!

School Lunch Packing Strategy

Every Sunday I prep my school lunches for the week. I started doing this last year and it is a huge time saver for me in the mornings. Best of all I decided to create school lunch bins and my son now packs his own lunch. That means there is NO complaining and less wasted food because he is choosing from the approved food bins and all the food that goes into the bins are foods that he likes to eat and portioned correctly.

School Lunch Packing Strategy That Works! Put the packing into your kids hands!

I purchased 6 bins at the dollar store. I prep and fill the bins on Sunday and then he grabs and packs his own lunches each evening. In the morning we quickly add an ice pack (love this DIY tip) and off he goes! This is a huge time saver for me and it also keeps him happy because he is choosing his own lunch each day.  I have drinks for him to choose from in one of our crisper drawers in the fridge.  This has been a huge WIN for our household. My son loves having ownership in packing his lunch, it saves me time and energy and each night this becomes HIS responsibility.

I use the following categories:

  • Protein (PBJ is our favorite)
  • Snacks
  • Veggies
  • Dairy
  • Fruit
  • Sweet Treat
  • Beverage

I hope this lunch packing strategy works as well for you as it does for us.  Be sure to print this Back To School Lunch Box Checklist and hang it on your fridge.  Hopefully it will help eliminate some of the stress when it comes to packing school lunches this year!  I also include extras for snacks for after school and before soccer!  This has been a great way for me to keep portion control in check too!


We have a Freezer Cooking 101 Series that you may enjoy!

Stockpiling Moms can be found in all your favorite places. Hop on over to Instagram and follow the fun. We love posting memes, family fun, travel, and whatever we are feeling that day. Pinterest is also an amazing place to visit Stockpiling Moms. This is where you can pin all your favorite articles from our Food, Travel & Lifestyle Blog.

Disclaimer: All offers were valid as of publish date. Don’t forget to check your app for details as offers change frequently and may not be available in all areas.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Ibotta. All opinions are 100% my own.


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  1. I’ve been an Ibotta user for a few years now and love how easy the app is to use! In fact I usually have the habit of just scanning the app in the car before I even pull out of the parking lot! It’s been a great grocery saver for me and adds a little bit extra to our budget. Thanks for the good school list of food ideas! Goodness knows I can always use them!

  2. This is genius! I’ve never considered using Ibotta for cash back on bts shopping. That’s such a great idea and I could use the money for other things. My daughter loves a lot of the things on your list.

  3. I use ibotta and have for some time. It is my favorite cash back app. It is easy to use and self explanatory. I haven’t earned a ton back, but every bit definitely helps

  4. Back to school expenses really add up, especially when you have a few kids! So thanks so much for sharing a smart and easy way to get some money back. This is very useful and practical and we will be trying it out soon! If it works out well, we can use this strategy the rest of the school year too. 🙂

  5. I have been using ibotta for a while. I always try to remember to check things that may end up being a better deal if I get the rebate with ibotta than paying full price for the generic. They currently have $5.00 off pampers Easy Ups!

  6. This looks like such an amazing way to save. Who doesn’t love cash back, and actual cash not just points is even better! American’s have all the best apps. I’m jealous! I would be using this every single day.

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