Inexpensive Teacher Gift Ideas
Here are some Inexpensive Teacher Gift Ideas. As you may know I taught high school for 11 years before I left my career to stay home. I can honestly say that during my teaching career the gifts that I got at Christmas and at the end of the year were very meaningful.
Inexpensive Teacher Gift Ideas:
More than what was given but the thought is what meant so much to me. I taught high school, so the gifts really meant a lot because most of the time they came from my student’s pocket.
If you do not give gifts to your children’s teachers at Christmas, I urge you too. Even if you can’t afford a gift, consider writing a card or letter. Some of the most meaningful gifts I ever got did not cost a fortune. The cards and letters handwritten to me from my students, or their parents meant the world. In fact, I kept them all in a box and there are still days that when I need a lift that I read them.
There are a few gifts that I still have. Special Christmas tree ornaments, a crystal ring holder and a scrapbook that my students made me. These are the gifts that I treasure. Every year when I hang the ornaments, I remember the special student by name. Gifts that I remember and appreciated were gift cards, nice smelling hand sanitizer (Bath and Body works) and special items that I collect. I also really loved getting hand crafts as well.
I also wanted to share with you a list of items that I didn’t “like” to get as a teacher, not saying that all teachers feel this way BUT, in general please don’t give apple themed items, school bus themed items, smelly lotions, candles or handmade treats. My rule of thumb was that I didn’t eat gifts that came to school via a student (reminder I taught high school) …I had enough apple themed items to keep the Dr. away for an eternity and because of allergies I don’t use smelly lotions or candles…This of course is just my 2 cents, but I wanted to share 🙂 There are however so many options when it comes to gift giving that don’t cost a fortune.
What teachers really want is appreciation! That could be in the form of a letter or a card, a simple $5 – $10 gift card, school supplies to help in the classroom (items from your stockpile would be great) or even a special item if you get the opportunity to really “know” your child’s teacher. I urge you to find something special for your children’s teachers because they are with your children day in and day out and just letting them know you appreciate them goes a long way 🙂
I hope this post helps you come up with an inexpensive teacher gift idea. Of course, it is the thought that really counts. Just giving something simple or a note or card of appreciate goes a long way. However, gift giving from your stockpile is an inexpensive way to go too!
Please share with us any inexpensive teacher gift ideas that you have! Please don’t be offended if you chose to give handmade treats. This post is my opinion like all posts that I write.
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
I agree that teachers should receive a gift! While my gifts have not necessarily been inexpensive, I have tried to put thought into choosing their gifts. I don’t want to give typical “teacher” gifts like the apples Melissa mentioned! My son is just in kindergarten, but we had 2 years of preschool. Two years ago when my son was in 3 yr old preschool, Lands’ End had a great sale on their medium Boat & Tote canvas bags, $12 each with free shipping. I ordered 5, and each year of preschool I gave one to his teacher. I had their name embroidered on it at a local shop for $10. I still have 2 in my gift closet (1 was used for another gift).This year his teacher is very young and this is her 1st year of teaching. We are giving her a Coach bangle bracelet. This was purchased with a $50 off a $50 purchase coupon. I bought a set of three bracelets for $98, then broke the set up to give three gifts for $48, or $16 each. A nice gift for $16, I think! His aide will receive an insulated Rachel Ray zip top lunch bag, which was free to me with a purchase, so both the teacher and aide will receive nice gifts for a total of $16 out of pocket. I love to be creative with gift giving while staying within my budget!
Kathy – Thank you so much! What wonderful gift ideas! I love how you are able to use gifts strategically! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂 I love your creativity!
$50 off a $50 purchase at Coach??? Where did you find that? My daughter’s teacher is in love with Coach, that would be a FANTASTIC gift!
This year I found the cutest star shaped dishes at Kohl’s on sale & with coupon for around $4.50. I bought whisks at the dollar store and filled them with hershey kisses and did the “we whisk you a merry kissmas” tags. I also got some great land o’lakes hot chocolate mix, special marshmallows & hershey candy canes to make “snowman soup”. I put the whisk & soup in the dish, wrapped the whole thing up with a dish towel. So its the homemade thought without the teachers having to worry about “homemade” food. I hope they like it as much as I do 🙂
Kara! I LOVE this!!!! Can you take a picture and send it to us to post????
Will try to remember when I get home from work 🙂
The best part was I only had around $10 in the whole gift, and since we have 3 wonderful preschool teachers, I’m very happy with that price!
That is a great price!
Bath and Body Works has these cute “cupcakes” They are actually socks that are infused with vanilla and shea. They are really cute and come in clear box with a ribbon (looks like an ornament)!!!! They are $8 each but there is a coupon for $10/$30 purchase. BBW socks are so soft and comfortable too!!
Great idea!
One year I took a terra cotta pot (like $4 for a larger one) and since I helped alot with the kiddos, I had a day where the teacher had appreciation luncheon and we watched the kids. So we had them all sign their names with a paint pen (like 2-3 dollars, but useable after project. We used a variety of colors.) Then we put the school/year on it. Spray with a sealer (like $5ish but usable for a while if you use these pots yourself or do like I did and use for mothers day as well you will more than use the whole can.) Put some styrofoam square inside and take hershey kisses, wrap/roll with red/pink saran wrap (looks like flowers!) and fill the pot! They have a quick after noon snack and a pot they can use over and over.
i was just in kroger yesterday and saw a girl at check-out with a boquet of flowers that were marked down to .99 cents. the day before, a lady i work with got some flowers from a florist that prob cost at least $60. a light bulb went off and i thought, ‘i should get some flowers for the ladies that work in the office at my son’s school from kroger one day!’
I do that for my son’s teacher 🙂 It brightens their day and as a former teacher I know how you need it sometimes.