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Reasons Moms Need a Self Care Retreat

Did you know that moms not only want but legitimately need to take time for themselves? I have been doing this for years, but now I want to share with you Reasons Moms Need a Self Care Retreat. It’s time that we start accepting that we need to take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others. Start making a plan and figure out how you and your girlfriends can get away for a few days for a little retreat that will help you become a better woman, mom, wife, friend, and daughter.

Reasons Moms Need a Self Care Retreat

Reasons Moms Need a Self Care Retreat

If you are a mom, then you have probably had a moment when sneaking away to the bathroom for a few moments peace and quiet has left you feeling guilty. Somehow, society has told us that we have to be “on” 24/7 and never have time for ourselves. The thing is, just because you decided to become a parent doesn’t mean you forfeit your right or need for a time along. We biologically need to destress and relax. So, why do we put so many impossible standards on ourselves as moms, but even just as women?

I am tired of seeing women apologizing for taking time for themselves. That’s why I wanted to share some important things to consider as a mom when planning a retreat.

Because Everyone Needs to Take a Break

It’s really that simple. Everyone needs a break. From kids needing naps to recharge, to moms needing time to be themselves, it’s okay to admit this. A break to be yourself without the pressures of others is one of the key ways to have grace. When I feel pressured and exhausted, I am less forgiving. I tend to not be so nice. There may even be days when I would be grouchy. This is actually, normal.

We no longer have to push ourselves nonstop. It’s time to accept that to be the loving and focused mom and wife, we need a break. Just like a toddler needs a nap to prevent a meltdown, we need that retreat to stay on track.

Because Mom’s Do A Lot of Work That Isn’t Acknowledged

My husband and son see and recognize what I do to keep our home running smoothly. I am blessed that they acknowledge and go above and beyond to show me, love. That said, this isn’t the case for all women. Many moms work tirelessly with no thanks from their spouse or children. Some work long hours “behind the scenes” but nobody sees or realizes that work is happening.

These countless hours and days of doing things that aren’t acknowledged by others wear you down. Sure, you probably have chosen this and do it with a happy heart, but even the most graceful woman can get worn down after time. Whether it’s the kids or a spouse that isn’t pulling their weight, it can get to you. It’s time you acknowledge yourself. Take that break and pamper yourself, because sometimes, you are the only one who will.

Because a Healthy Mind & Body Makes You More Productive

When we are exhausted physically, we automatically know it’s going to be harder to concentrate and do what we need. Why don’t we also realize that it applies to our mental health? When you are working nonstop to care for your family, it takes a toll on your body AND your mind.

A break to refresh and relax is a must to have a productive and healthy mind. When you feel clear and focused, those tasks at home are easier to manage, and typically much less stressful. In fact, I know personally when I am refreshed and clear-headed, it’s way easier for me to get things done. I have less clutter in my mind, so I can have less clutter in my life.

Because It’s Okay to Be Selfish Sometimes

Being selfish isn’t the same as being self-centered. In fact, it’s common for the term selfish to be used always negatively, but for our own overall health, we have to practice selfishness sometimes. Being selfish doesn’t mean you are a bad person or a narcissist. It just means you are acknowledging that sometimes your needs have to come before others if you plan to be the woman you want. Be selfish enough to say, “I need a break” so you can come back and say, “I want to give you my all as a wife and mom”.

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