How to use a Manufacturer’s Coupon
I wanted to share with you this quick video on How to use a manufacturer’s coupon this week. You may want to reference this list of Store Policies after you watch the video. Hope this helps answers some of your questions.
Coupons are still the same as cash. You save when you use them. You save by watching the sales cycle and matching coupons with the sales ad.
I personally shop at a variety of stores in order to save. This is the same as when I first started stockpiling. Here are some strategies for each store:
- How to get the most out of your Sam’s Club membership
- 5 Ways to increase your savings at Target
- How to save money at Kroger
- How to shop at Aldi and save BIG
- How to save money at CVS
- How to save money at Walgreen’s
- How to save money at Rite-Aid
- How to shop at Whole Foods without spending your Whole Paycheck
- 7 Ways to save money without using coupons
Check out our Stockpiling 101 Series – Everything you need to know on how get started using coupons.
- How Does Price Matching Work?
- What is on sale in February?
- How to Understand the Grocery Sales Cycle
- Stockpiling – Preparing for Natural Disasters or Emergency
- Stockpiling 101 | Stockpiling for the Holidays™
- How Do I Start Stockpiling?
- Stockpiling Tip: Look for Coupons on Packages
- 10 Items to Stockpile
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Great video…Luv those dangle earrings and the tangerine sweater is a great color on you!
You are too sweet 🙂
Your videos help me so much! Thank you for posting them for us.
I am just starting out and the videos are helping!! Any other tips or tricks you may have would also be wonderful.. Thanks 🙂
I can’t get to “how to cut out an internet coupon so it doesn’t beep?
I’m having the same problem. I’d really like to know how to get an internet coupon so it doesn’t beep. Instead I learned that I can’t use a coupon twice! Useful, but not what I was hoping for.
I am so confused about a coupon beepng. How is that possible?
Because of how coupons are coded that is why they beep.