How to encourage others
Want to know how to encourage others? Are you looking for ways to show encouragement to your friends and family during a difficult time. Encouragement can come in many forms. From gifts, to cards to words that you speak. It is so important to encourage your friends and family. It doesn’t have to be a difficult occasion to show others encouragement.
Encouragement is defined as the action of giving someone support, confidence or hope. This is important to do for those who you love but also towards all people.
My friend Neil made this No Bake Cheesecake for me as a surprise!
Whether you open the door for a stranger, smile at a person at the grocery store or tell your delivery person thank you. Not only do you make that person feel better I also find that it makes me feel better too. One of my goals is to do a random act of kindness every single day. I know that sounds like a lot at first but it really isn’t.
My friend Julia surprised me with this gift!
You can do something fun like pay for the persons coffee behind you at Starbucks or you can bake a pan of brownies and deliver them to a neighbor. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Any random act of kindness or offer of generosity is something that puts a smile on someones face. Just give it a try and do it!
My friend Mikaela made this chocolate chip banana bread for me.
I thought I would share you some ideas for how to encourage others. They don’t have to cost you fortune and a little kindness goes a long way.
How to encourage others:
- Mail a card
- Text
- Call
- FaceTime
- Zoom
- Smile
- Hold Open a Door
- Say thank you
- Wave
- Bake them a sweet treat
- Give them a small gift
- Recognize Birthdays
- Drop off a small gift to their front porch
- Organize a card drop
- Say hello to a stranger
- Offer to help others when you see them struggling
- Pray
- Listen
- Organize a parade
- Support a senior
A gift I made for our neighbor Brent who is a senior.
I really hope some of these ideas help you to encourage others. Feel free to share some of your ideas too! Pay it forward today and spread joy to others. It can spread joy to so many and bring you joy in the process. You never know where the chain of encouragement will go.
Homemade Projects You Can Do:
Homemade Lavender Shower Melts
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.