How To Create a FC Barcelona Bedroom
My son LOVES FC Barcelona – and all things Lionel Messi. Last year for Christmas he asked for a room makeover. We were not surprised when he selected the theme to be FC Barcelona. As you know he plays soccer for Kings Hammer Academy. He takes soccer seriously. He has been playing since he was three years old and there isn’t a day that he is not practicing or playing. In fact he often times comes home from practice or a game and continues practicing instead of playing video games which is amazing to me.
How To Create A FC Barcelona Bedroom
We decided to create this room around a Fat Head of the FC Barcelona Crest that we ordered online. After it arrived I took it to the local Paint Store and they matched three colors from the crest that we used to paint a feature wall in his room. One quart was enough for the job in each color. In addition I picked up a quart of white that we used for an accent. The hardest part was taping off the design. For the other three walls we used a neutral beige paint or you could go with white.
In addition I ordered an FC Barcelona comforter and sheet set from Ebay. I searched online for a long time and this was the best price and design that he liked. You could also go with solid color bedding but we really wanted to feature FCB. We did some accents in the room with black curtains and a black bean bag. Finally we framed an inexpensive Lionel Messi poster that my son purchased at the Book Fair at his school.
He is really pleased with the final look and we are too! Hopefully this will last him for the next several years. I told him he couldn’t change it for a while 🙂 We did the total design for around $250. This was his Christmas present so it worked out nicely and he really enjoys it.
If you are looking for a way to score a major goal with your son or daughter who plays soccer this is a great gift idea! It would make for an awesome bedroom makeover for a tween or teen. Just imagine when they go off to soccer camp and come home to an FC Barcalona Bedroom! Talk about flipping out! They will for sure. Trust me. I know.
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Thats look cool. I have lot of things related to Barca club that I want to decorate in my bedroom
What brand of paint did you use and what are the actual colors?
I just updated the images of the cans for you. Hope that helps!
What was the size of the yellow stripe and white stripes?
I have uploaded the design for you!
Hi What are the color of the other walls?
We did – SW 9070 (Baby Blue Eyes)
Hi what colour paint and brand did you use pls y