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Forester Tech Timeout Pledge


Forester Tech Timeout Pledge. Does your family need a tech time out?  If you are like my family, you may each have 2-3 pieces of technology.  My son has a laptop, iPod and a 3DS.  My husband has a Blackberry, laptop and iPod and I have a laptop, iPhone 5 and a iPad.  Really?  9 pieces of technology between 3 of us!  It is honestly not unusual for my son to use 2 forms of technology at the same time!

Forester Tech Timeout Pledge:

How many of you completely freak out if you can’t locate your cell phone? I’m sure many of you would agree that our phones have become a huge part of who we are! I feel like my iPhone is an extension of my body.  For this reason, life insurance provider Foresters™ recently launched a Tech Timeout™ challenge to encourage families to take a daily one-hour scheduled break from their electronic devices and reconnect with each other in a more personal way.

Tech Savvy Kid

I love this idea!  We have a screen time rule out our house for Peyton limiting him to 2 hours or less a day but don’t really have one for the adults.  Foresters™ hopes that by launching Tech Timeout families will grow awareness of how our attachment to technology affects how we spend time together, even when we are in the same room.  Foresters’ mission is to champion family well-being and encourage families to take the Tech Timeout pledge and “disconnect to reconnect” for one hour each day for a week.

We have a technology free dinner rule at our house.  There is no technology of any type allowed during the dinner hour.   I personally don’t use technology between 3:45 pm  – 8 pm daily.  Foresters™ suggests to disconnect to reconnect and use this time to enjoy tech-free activities as a family and think about new ways to spend time together. Families are encouraged to disconnect from all things electronic with the goal of helping spouses, parents and children build stronger bonds, communicate more personally and get more involved in each others lives.

By taking the pledge families will be able to spend more time together, building stronger relationships and connections, rather than being on their electronic devices.  I think this is especially important at dinner time which is why we have a technology free zone at our kitchen table.  That Tech Timeout really helps our family to reconnect after a busy day.

Be sure to take the “Tech Timeout” pledge at  TechTimeout.com . Be sure to like Tech Timeout on Facebook too!

Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post on behalf of Foresters however all opinions are 100% my own.

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  1. I think this is a great idea! I am even single and live alone but I need to do this even just to spend time with God. Being connected online and on my phone all of the time doesn’t force me into that time to reflect upon life and be more mindful of my own surroundings.

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