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Easy Whole 30 Breakfast Ideas

Easy Whole 30 Breakfast Ideas. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and when you are adapting to a Whole 30 lifestyle, that can sound daunting.  No longer are you grabbing a bagel or a bowl of cereal on the way out the door each morning.

Instead, you find yourself trying to come up with grain free and unprocessed foods that are also familiar.  One great thing about breakfast is that it doesn’t have to fall into a special category of food.  You can make your Whole 30 breakfasts simply by using some of these great ideas!

Check out our picks for the Best Whole 30 Breakfast Ideas!

Easy Whole 30 Breakfast Ideas

Larabar:  If you are short on time and really need something that is already prepared, Larabar has a ton of excellent Whole 30 options that can be tucked into your bag or tote on the way out the door.  Alongside your cup of coffee and some fruit, they are great for an easy on the go breakfast.

Whole 30 Breakfast Cups – Prep these on Sunday and enjoy them all week long!

Sweet potato toasts:  This is something I have seen circling around Pinterest a lot lately.  Slicing sweet potatoes and roasting them gives you a surface to top with anything from avocado to smoked salmon.  While this takes a bit more time, I like the versatility of this idea and how it could be a great buffet style breakfast everyone could enjoy.  Simply put out all of your favorite Whole 30 toppings and let everyone load their sweet potato toasts.

Eggs:  Eggs are a standard and you can enjoy them pretty much any way you like.  I like to poach them in the microwave and top with Whole 30 approved hot sauce.  You can also bake them in an avocado, fry them, hard boil them, soft boil them, or even simply scramble them with some fresh Pico de Gallo.  The variety of egg options is endless.

Smoothies:  Okay. This one is a bit controversial.  They are technically a no for many reasons, but they can also be a great healthier choice on occasion.  Whole 30 prefers you focus on eating fruit by itself, but the occasional fruit and almond milk smoothie is a fast on the go choice that can work while staying mostly compliant.

Homemade sausage and fruit.  We have a great chicken sausage recipe that can be made with ground turkey, chicken, or pork.  It is Whole 30 compliant, and full of flavor.  Make this in batches and have sausage with some fresh fruit or vegetables.

Breakfast Hash or Breakfast Casserole:  If you are tired of eggs by themselves, whip them into a hash with some diced potato, bell pepper, and onion.  It’s simple and fast way to create a meal that is hearty and tasty.  I prefer Mexican flavors so add salsa or cumin for extra kick.

These are some great and easy breakfast options for your Whole 30 diet.  Just because you have limits doesn’t mean you can’t have great satisfying flavor!

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