DairyPure Easy Chocolate Milkshake
Check out this Easy Chocolate Milkshake. Have you tried DairyPure Milk? It is our favorite! There are so many great health benefits too! I use DairyPure Milk as a base for my smoothies and milkshakes. It is perfect for summer!
DairyPure is the only milk backed by an exclusive Five-Point Purity Promise, which ensures that DairyPure contains no artificial growth hormones, is tested for antibiotics, is cold shipped fresh from your local dairy, is continually quality tested to ensure purity and only comes from cows fed a healthy diet!
I love that it is fresh and shipped cold from your local dairy. New DairyPure milks and creams are now available in the dairy case at local grocery stores nationwide. DairyPure Milk is an essential part of our day.
We start every morning with a glass of milk to fuel us for the day. In addition to drinking DairyPure milk we also use it to make smoothies and milkshakes like this Easy Chocolate Milkshake. Smoothies make great after school snacks and milkshakes make great desserts!
DairyPure is available in the following varieties: whole, 2% reduced fat, 1% low fat and skim/fat free milks, as well as creams. For recipes, local retailers, the full line of products and to learn more about DairyPureʼs exclusive Five-Point Purity Promise, visit DairyPure.com.
The recipe is simple to prepare but it is a great way to save money and you know what ingredients are being used. You can adapt to any flavor of course but my son loves Chocolate! I always make a triple batch because my family loves them so much!
Easy Chocolate Milkshake
- 1 cup milk
- 2 scoops chocolate ice cream
- 1 TBSP chocolate syrup
- 2 TBSP Whipped Cream optional
- 1 TBSP Chocolate Syrup optional
- Blend ingredients together
- Pour into a glass
- Top with Whipped Cream and drizzle chocolate syrup on top
- Enjoy!
According to a new survey by Wakefield Research 71% of people surveyed frequently worry about the purity or quality of the milk they serve their children and I have to agree! 65% drink milk most often at breakfast and 82% would make a separate trip to the store if they ran out of milk. What do you think? Have you tried DairyPure yet?
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of DairyPure however all opinions are 100% my own.
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Looks delicious! My son loves milkshakes and we will have to try DairyPure
I love chocolate milkshakes!! This looks amazing I never think to make them at home like this. I need to start making these at home would be a great treat with how warm the weather has been.
This is recipe is worth trying. It looks delicious and the instructions are very easy to follow. M family loves drinking milk shakes and looking at the finish product it seems like every one of us will have seconds.
This looks so delicious! My daughter is an absolutely chocolate fan and would love this. I will have to make this for her asap. Thanks so much for sharing!
I am not familiar with DairyPure but I do love make smoothies and not yet made milkshakes. Now that I have moved into my new apartment I can make as many milkshakes and smoothies as I can and I can not wait to try this recipe out. Thanks for sharing