Can you turn boiling water to snow?
Can you turn boiling water to snow? Yes, you can! How do I know? We decided to give it a try! On this day the weather was Zero Degrees with a wind chill making it negative 32 degrees!
Can you turn boiling water to snow?
We started by boiling water. Once it reach boiling we poured it into a mug and headed to our deck. We took turns throwing the water off the deck making sure to throw it straight out and NOT over our heads….this is extremely important so you don’t burn your skin. Please use adult supervision ONLY for this activity.
The water immediately turned to snow. It was a fun experiment and a memory that I am sure my son (or I will) will never forget. Now I can’t really answer to you why it works…I will add that today it is ZERO degrees at our house with a wind chill making it feel like -32.
Here is our video that we took on Instagram.
My friend Kathy actually added blue food coloring to her water which was really cool to see too!
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Winter Craft Project – Snowman Lantern
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
My daughter said they did this the other day and it was pretty cool! They also made snow ice cream, which was delicious!
Love the memories!