Uses and Benefits of Geranium Essential Oil
Today I am sharing with you the uses and benefits of Geranium Essential Oil. I love Geranium Oil. It is one of my favorite oils. May professionals’ calls= it the “poor mans” Rose Essential Oil. I am fine with that because it gives me the same benefit for 1/8 of the cost!
When I first got Geranium I tasted it – yes you read that right…I love the taste, which tells me my body could use this essential oil I normally use it topically however call me crazy I still use it orally too! I find it works really well for my acne.
Uses and Benefits of Geranium Essential Oil:
• Helps calm nerves
• Gives hair a vibrant, healthy glow
• Promotes clear, healthy-looking skin
• Naturally repels insects
About Geranium:
Geranium offers outstanding benefits for soothing skin and is a common ingredient in many skin care products. Geranium’s calming effects make it a popular choice for many essential oil users. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use. Dilute if applied topically.
Disclosure: We are NOT providing medical advice. Always consult your physician for medical treatment. The advice shared in this page has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help.
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Great tips shared
Hi there! I’ve also been researching Geranium & was so excited to receive my essential oils order so I could try it on my acne. When I opened the bottle I took a whiff & it smelled similar to paint thinner, I tried to put it on my neck(I get pimples here by my hairline) but the smell was so strong that i had t wash it off. I was so bummed!! Is this something that is normal or does the smell fade within a period of time? I’m not usually sensitive to oil smells so this one caught me off guard but I REALLY want to use it!! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Geranium oil does have a pungent smell no doubt. I’ve used it before on my face for skin problems and disliked the smell also. However the benefits of this oil make it worth smelling like a stinky flower for a little bit. The smell does disopate after a short while. You just have to tough it out for a few minutes ….meanwhile you can’t get away from yourself! Lol