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Tips for Coping with Keto Symptoms

Tips for Coping with Keto Symptoms. If you’ve made the decision to start the Ketogenic diet soon, I’d encourage you to take it slowly. While eating too many carbs on a daily basis isn’t a good thing for a handful of reasons, going to the other extreme of carb-free in one day also isn’t safe. Making the decision to completely remove carbs from your diet overnight can cause symptoms that are similar to the flu.

Tips for Coping with Keto Symptoms

Maybe you’re currently experiencing some of them or hoping to avoid the dreaded keto flu. 

Here are a few tips on coping with Keto symptoms.

Start Slowly

No matter what diet you start with, it’s important that you transition into it slowly. Most people want to see fast and amazing improvements in a short period of time, but our bodies require time for adjustment. Going cold turkey and getting away from all your old bad eating habits can prove to be a shock to your body. So don’t completely remove carbs from your diet all in one day.  

Eat More Fat

When you cut carbs from your diet, you’ll need to consume more healthy fats to make up the difference. It will also help your body transition quicker by burning fat instead of glucose to be used as energy. 

Keep Hydrated

Be sure to be drinking plenty of water along with getting enough electrolytes and supplements while you manage your keto symptoms. Experts will tell you that you need to be drinking a minimum of 2.5 liters of water every day when you are first starting out on the keto diet. While this may not take away nausea or prevent cramps, drinking sports drinks will help to take the place of the starchy fruits and vegetables that you’ve cut out of your diet. 

Get Plenty of Rest

Getting enough sleep and rest is also essential. If you’re having a hard time getting to sleep, you can try an herbal tea that can ease your nervous system or an Epsom salt bath that can loosen your tense muscles. Being able to relax and get the rest that your body needs is very important. 

Try Light Exercise

When you’re dealing with dizziness, nausea, and other uncomfortable keto symptoms, the last thing that you probably feel like doing is working out. But it turns out that performing a light exercise, whether it’s walking on the treadmill or doing yoga, can actually help relieve muscle tension and pain. Exercise also helps to release endorphins that help improve your mood and get rid of the brain fog that you may have been experiencing.     

Go Easy with Physical Activity

I know that it sounds like I’m contradicting myself, but I’m not. Light physical exercise does in fact help, but you still need to remember to take it easy and avoid too much physical activity for a while. Avoid strenuous workouts, lifting, or sports that you burn a lot of energy. Your body is already going through enough. This could wind up worsening your keto symptoms if you’re not careful.  

Our bodies are all made up differently. Because of this, we’ll all have a different experience when we decide to go with the keto diet. While many people will tell you that they didn’t have any issues when starting out, many not-so-lucky people will tell you how unpleasant the keto flu is. If you’re still thinking about doing the keto diet but have questions or concerns about it, be sure to consult your doctor or a nutrition specialist beforehand.    

More Keto Tips: 

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