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Stockpiling 101 – Collecting your coupons

Stockpiling 101 – Collecting your coupons. If you are new to stockpiling the first thing you need to do is start collecting coupons. You will want to purchase multiple Sunday papers each week or order from a clipping service, except for on Holiday weekends as there are “normally” NO inserts.  We post a Sunday Coupon Preview every Thursday with what you can expect in the inserts.  I do want to mention that inserts vary both in value and coupon by region.


I suggest purchasing papers in multiples of two. The reason is so that you can really take advantage of buy one get one free sale (BOGO). Most people don’t know that you can use a coupon on both items (including the free item).   At most stores you can use both a BOGO manufacturer coupon and a store BOGO offer together! By doing this you will get TWO items for FREE!  Some stores require you to pay for one item and then you get 2 free items however you are normally still getting a good deal especially when you use a $ off coupon for the 3rd item.

If there are multiple inserts in the paper, I buy as many as 6-8 papers or I order coupons from a coupon clipping service. Another idea is to ask friends and family members for their inserts (or what is left after they cut their coupons). I have several friends that I swap inserts with after we each cut our coupons. Another option is to check craigslist.com and/or freecycle.org (depending on if you group allows for coupon exchanges). In addition, you can print coupons online and load digital coupons directly onto your grocery store card and/or cell phone.

A source for collecting coupons that I want to mention is one that is often overlooked.  A great resource for collecting coupons is at the grocery store!  When shopping be sure to keep your eyes peeled for blinkies, hang tags and tear pads (however please do not take peelies from packages as they enter the store attached the manufacturer intends them to be used with that purchase).

These coupons are provided by the manufacturer, and you can always find them!  One thing I want to mention is that you collect them while shopping to strategically use later when an item is on sale at rock bottom!  I never take more than my fair share (meaning I don’t take more than 4 of any given coupon) or all that are available if there are only 2, I would take 1.

I hope this helps you in your journey to building your coupon stash!

Stockpiling 101

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