Black Friday Plan of Attack
Black Friday Plan of Attack. Are you shopping on Black Friday? If so, it is really important to have a PLAN of attack! If you don’t have a plan, it is easy to get overwhelmed and come home empty handed. Here are a few tips to make your experience as positive as possible and help you save big!
Black Friday Plan of Attack:
1. Do your homework. Be sure that you know what you are going for. You can’t just “wonder around” thinking you will find all the great deals.
2. Wear comfortable shoes and dress in layers. If you are waiting in line outside, you will want to be dressed warm however once you are “in the store” you will get hot quickly. We suggest dressing in layers and wearing comfortable shoes.
3. Pack snacks and drinks. You need to be prepared. You don’t want to waste your hard saved money on expensive vendors. Also, remember it is Thanksgiving night so you may not find many places open.
4. Bring a friend and tag team shop. There may be lines to get into some stores, so stand in separate lines and see who gets to the front first. This also works when the check-out lines are long.
5. Be sure to bring your cell phones (fully charged) and car cell phone charger.
6. Be sure to bring your shopping list, sales ads and any applicable coupons! Being prepared will save you money on Black Friday.
Black Friday can be a lot of fun if you go with the right people. You have to keep your sense of humor and have a good time while you are out. I personally love Black Friday because of the rush I get from the deals. Be sure you strategically plan where you want to shop and map out which stores open first. You need to plan to go to the stores that are top priority first.
We are going to start posting Black Friday ads and deals as we find them so be sure to check back often.
Do you shop on Black Friday? Please share any tips you have!
We have more great tips for Black Friday Shopping in our book – Savvy Saving Couponing Secrets from the Stockpiling Moms!
Stockpiling Tips:
Checking out – Make sure your hard work pays off
Filing complaints with corporate
Preparing for Natural Disasters
Stockpiling with Little Storage
Ways To Save:
How to Shop at Whole Foods without Spending your Whole Paycheck
5 Ways to Increase Your Savings at Target
7 Ways to Save Money Without Couponing
How to Get the Most out of your Sam’s Club Membership
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
I LOVE Black Friday – I have already started my list based on the online ad leaks and can’t wait to have the physical ads in my hands to pour over!!!
Woo Hoo!
Thats what i live for after the turkey is all gobbled up! I wake up super early to get papers for my mom, sister-in-law and myself to gather our game plan and hit it hard at midnight! Cant wait!!
Me too! LOVE it!
I love me some black friday shopping!!! Nothing like a long night/morning/day of shopping after not get any sleep (and I work 6a-2p thanksgiving day) ! Last year I shopped til 2pm! Got some great stuff even furniture from JCP on sale for $688 down from $2499 for the couch, love seat, and a chair!
Woo Hoo! Love the deals!
Gotta love black friday ,,,, I am sooo glad you posted this . Another tip is go to the store a day or two prior cause most of the time they lay things out differently in the store for black friday. For instance Toy R Us usually puts hotter door buster in a different place in the store ( where it wouldn’t normally be ) And Target look above the selves at the top, where they keep extra toys . Whatever they have a big stock of is usually what will be on sale . And they start laying their store out different a day or two prior …
Great tips!
I spent the night at walmart last year to get one of the FEW laptops. I’ve never done that before! It was hilarious, now my husband REALLY knows how much I love him 🙂 So when do the ads come out, is it Wed. or Thursday?
They are rolling in right now 🙂 Well the leaks that is 😉
Shopping on black friday just stresses me out. If I don’t get the item I was looking for I beat myself up then its no fun. This year I am staying away from it.
You gotta go into it with just a fun attitude 🙂 It is the best day of the year for me!
LOVE IT! I have always had fun…last year was the funest. I talked my then 18 year old brother into going and spending the night at Wal-Mart, dragging him to Jcpenny, Radio Shack, and some others. Needless to say he will not be partnering up with me this year! I’m super SUPER excited!! Great tips!!
I will not be doing BF this year because hubby has to work so I have no babysitter for my 2 and 9 year old, and there is no way I would bring them not only with the rude and inconciderate people but because I would be getting christmas presents for them,lol. I will however be checking online on thanksgiving for the BF deals because sometimes you can get the BF store prices online on Thanksgiving day and most store if you spend over a certain amount have free shipping! You may need to pad your order a little but hey, no lines and you are garuanteeed the item you are looking for! I did this last year also, and I actually got everything I was looking for plus some extra’s that I happen to find.
A word of advise for thoes of you heading out…Pee before you leave, nothing like having to look for a bathroom and missing out on deals! Also some stores will give you a map of the layout of the store since they tend to change it because of the deals. A lot of the items that are Doorbusters may also be sitting in the middle between isles, and ALWAYS look above on the shevles because sometimes stores put there extras up there so you may think they dont have any but they may be right above your head!! Usually things are where they shouldnt be on BF…Good luck to all headed out!! Have fun!
I love black Friday. I go for the fun of it and if I don’t get the item oh well. I make it a fun thing to watch people sometimes. I’ve seen people fight, argue, ect over an item. It’s not that serious to me.
I’ve never shopped BF, but might this year. I tend to be a night person, so it will be perfect for me, plus in Florida, weather is not a consideration ;D
When do the ads come out? on Weds or Thurs (Turkey day)? I’ve read the sugestions and feel better prepared. Now I just have to figure out what I “HAVE” to have!! LOL!!
Hope you all get what you want
I’ve been doing Black Friday for over 20 years. My mom used to go with me, but she now has dementia, so my daughters go instead. My husband went once, and swore never again. Took my cousin’s son one year, who lives in a town of 1,000, who had never been. I think he had fun, but he moved back home shortly after. My daughter’s friends love to go; they treat it as an all-night party, although most of them are asleep by 3:00 a.m. Last year there were 6 of us.
We split up at each store, and each person is given an item or two to pick up. I’ve found that sending the cutest ones for the most limited items pays off. A sweet smile and an extra item just happens to become available.
I love black friday’s. They are so much fun. Just the tag teaming and rushing to get your purchase before they are all gone.