Raising a Teen is not for the Faint of Heart
Raising a Teen is not for the Faint of Heart. Being a Mom is the hardest job I’ve ever had. When Peyton was little those were the easy days. However, I had no idea they were. I stressed over too much. I worried a lot. I read every book but at the end of the day I did the best I could. That is really all we can do as mothers.
Don’t get me wrong when they are little it is tough and completely exhausting but nothing compares to parenting a teenager. Trust me on this one. There is NO manual for it.
Raising a Teen is not for the Faint of Heart:
I dedicated my life to be a Mom. When Peyton was little we went to Mom and Me classes, attended play groups and a variety of educational classes. I read the book what to expect during the first year and I scrutinized every decision. I pour my heart into being a Mom. It is such a gift that God gave me.
I left my teaching career to be home with him and I started this blog so that I could continue to stay home. Those were the easy days. Now that I am a Mom to a teenager the game has changed.
There are days that I feel alone, there are times that I get eye rolls and literally five words spoken to me. There are moments that I cry. There are times he mumbles at me, says “I don’t know” replies with this emoji 🤷🏽♂️. However, there are also the moments where I get it all. I get the thank you, the hugs and deep conversation.
You see those are the moments I live for. They occur most often when I least expect them. Often times late at night, after a hard loss on the soccer field, on the way to a movie. I just don’t know when they are going to happen.
I may not always be ready, but I make time when he is. I know he still needs me. He may not show it like he did when he was little, but I am the person that he looks for on the sideline. He looks for me and gives me the nod. I am the person he looks for when he has received hard news. I am the person he looks for when he is sick.
I found this online and text it to Peyton recently and heard him belly laugh. Then he yells out. Number 5!
Momming a teen isn’t for the faint of heart but I keep on keeping on.
I WILL keep saying good morning, I WILL sing ALL the 80’s songs, I WILL say I Love You every single day (multiple times and sometimes even in public) and YES I MAY tag him on social media but not as often as I want too.
As for number 5. Love this man child of mine. But whoever said that parenting a toddler was hard surely never had a teenager.
At this age I spend countless hours waiting without complaint. I take him to Dr appointments, prepare pre and post-game meals, wash uniforms, host team parties and give pep talks. I listen to him after a tough loss or when he is disappointed. I help rehab him through injuries and love him unconditionally.
I will keep loving my man child hard. I will continue to pray over him as long as I have breath.
The time is far less that we spend together now that he is in high school, but I will take every minute that I get. This is why we take the trips, do the things and never miss a game.
I wouldn’t change a moment, even the hard. In fact, I wish it wouldn’t end but I know it will so I treasure every second.
So, listen up Momma’s. I am there with you in the trenches. I see you. I hear you.
Don’t give up. They need you right now more than ever. The days may be long, but the years are short. Spend time with them even if they act like they don’t want to spend time with you. They secretly do but they will never admit it.
Life and Parenting:
Why you should take your teen on a trip every year
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Ah Melissa- I have 4 grown up children and I encourage you to let him have the space he needs for this formative part of his life. Teens (boys especially) need this quiet time to work thru thoughts in their heads and process the world around them… it is not a rejection of you!!
Keep driving him where he needs to go- have food that he likes in the refrigerator and welcome his friends over and fix them home-cooked meals! Even easy stuff like spaghetti