Organizing Your Coupons
In my opinion coupon organization is key to stockpiling success. If you are unorganized then you are simply not going to be able to save as much money because you won’t be able to find your coupons to cash in on the deals.
Organizing Your Coupons:
A tip that I want to start with is always purchase your papers/coupons in even numbers so that you can take advantage of Buy One Get One Free Sales.
I use the binder method filled with baseball card inserts. In particular I use the Coupon Clutch. I personally love this method because I can easily scan through and see very quickly what coupons I have available when I am matching and when I am shopping in the stores. I personally clip all the coupons from the inserts that I will possibly ever use (not the ones I would never use…for example diapers/baby products as we no longer have a baby in the house). The reason I clip all of my coupons is because though I may not buy a particular brand or item “normally” I will buy it if I find it free or near free.
I have my coupons divided into categories that make sense to me and I suggest you do the same. I personally have them divided by: Baking, Beverages, Breakfast, Canned, Dairy, Drugs, Frozen Foods, Heath and Beauty, Household, Fruits/Veggies, Meat, Organic, Other, Rebates and Store.
I use a coupon binder because it closes shut, I can carry it on my shoulder, and it is stylish… I find this the easiest way to be able to carry my coupons, shop and keep organized (plus I have dropped my binder several times in the checkout process, and this has become a huge life saver). I use two 3 hole zipped pouches at the front of my binder. One holds my “hot coupons” ” and the other holds my restaurant coupons. Also in my binder, I keep a calculator, small pair of scissors and the current weekly sales ads.
If you don’t clip all the coupons from the inserts it is important to keep and file the inserts (or what is left after you clip them). A helpful tip to know is that the date and name of insert is printed in very fine print on the outside of each insert cover. I like to take a black permanent marker and write the date on the cover.
Now, I am going to give you two schedule scenarios for keeping organized.
Clipping Your Own Coupons:
- Sunday – Clip Coupons
- Monday – Sort and File
- Tuesday – Shop
Ordering Your Coupons:
- Saturday – Order
- Tuesday – Check Mail and File
- Wednesday – Shop
Being organized will take time in the beginning however once you are organized it will end up saving you money in the end! I also want to add that I NEVER leave home without my binder. I take it with me in the van every time I leave the house. The one big tip I can give you is if you don’t have all of your coupons with you then you won’t be able to save money when you run across a great deal! I hope this helps you and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
7 Days of Stockpiling Series:
Day 1 –Utilizing Coupon Clippers
Day 2 – Organizing Your Coupons
Day 3 – How Do I Build A Stockpile?
Day 4 – How To Be An Extreme Couponer
Day 5 – Overage
Day 6 – Utilizing the Freezer
Day 7 – Living in the “Land” of Doubles
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Man have I learned the taking the binder with you lesson!!!
great tips!
I have only used a clipping service once and ebay once. I would love to transform my method (buying 10 papers every week, clipping, sorting, filing into my binder) to your clipping service and a couple papers. HOWEVER, I am terrifed of missing a great deal because I only have 2 or 3 coupons 🙁 Can you please touch base a bit more on how you choose your coupons on the clipping sites? Do you review the sale ads then order what you think will be the best deal? How much do you normally pay per week on ordering coupons? Your method sounds like such a time saver, I work full time have 2 babies under 2… I am so overwhelmed trying to keep up with my coupons !
Okay….i think i have the “couponing disease” now. I WANT the coupon organizer thingy, but won’t buy it because i don’t have a coupon and it isn’t on sale! hahahahaha
i am so excited. i made my own! i loved the one above, and maybe someday i will get it, but i couldn’t spend the money that i am so desperately trying to save. So….i took a three ring binder we had extra laying around, cut some of my favorite wrapping paper to slide into the viewable outside and labeled it coupons. i also had regular page protectors of which i put a few in to hole my sales flyers. i do need to buy the baseball card holders to hold the coupons. But, still, i am so excited! Thank you for the idea!
After you start seeing the savings maybe then you can get it 🙂 Love your idea too!
Thanks Melissa! I appreciate the encouragement! And all the help!
New coupon clipping mama here…very ecited about starting this journey on saving and couponing. I have visited several sites and this is by the far the best with the most valuable info. thanks!!!!!!! : )
Thanks so much! Welcome 🙂
i too was looking at getting the coupon clutch but i did my own research and was able to find a pretty reasonable binder that is by far really awesome. It’ s a Case-it’s brand binder which they sell alot cheaper direct from company than what i was able to find on Amazon or ebay. It’s a 4″ zippered binder with a strap, and also file side folders too. D-185 XLarge Capacity Zipper Binder, for just $24.99 plus shipping. I love it!!!
Yes, I used to use a Case-It Binder before I switched to the Coupon Clutch. I love the CC 🙂
Thanks so much for writing this article! With 3 kids 4 and under, I’ve learned the hard way that this is the most crucial step. It’s started to pay — I love seeing random deals at a store, flipping to my coupon pages, and finding a corresponding coupon!
I have a question, though…I need more baseball card inserts, but they are VERY expensive at my local OfficeMax/Staples/OfficeDepot stores. Is there somewhere I can buy them in bulk or for cheaper? Thanks again for your help and for making such an awesome blog!!
the dollar tree has baseball card inserts
That is awesome! Thanks Lori!
Thanks so much for the reply! I looked online at and didn’t see any, so I called the corporate office. They are currently OUT of all “card protectors” with no date for when they will have some in. Lots of couponing moms with the same idea! 🙂 They said that usually they will restock within a month, but it may be a few months. Hoping for the best!
Are there any other cheaper options for baseball card protectors than Staples/OfficeMax/OfficeDepot that others know of?
Thanks so much for your help!
Lot’s of coupon Mamas that is for sure 🙂
Also, you can get them at Hobby Lobby (use the 40% off coupon), Walmart and Sports Stores. Hope this helps!
i was also looking for the baseball card inserts for my binder i checked a few stores i bought a few at five below then the rest on ebay ebay had many styles of them some for the larger coupons i ordered a pack of 10 for 2.25 so that cheap enough to buy even with out a coupon 🙂 in my house we only buy items if we have a coupon
I’m in New York and while I do see the coupons and get them (started using the coupon clipper service) I’m wondering if there are any coupons for fresh food. Honestly, I’m not a canned goods person. I like to buy fresh when possible. Any suggestions?
i have found a good stock on baseball sleeves at amazon .com
300 sleeves and 3 holders on each side for 2.93 and shipping of course all together it was 7.95 it takes a week for it to arrive . just aheads up for moms
In your coupon organizer on each page of like items, such as canned goods are they in alphabetical order, like beans, then soup etc?
i want to get into coupons and save money i am starting out fresh, i am nine months pregnant and my little guy is going to be here on july 23rd..hopefully.. anyways please help me get this down it would save me a lot of money.
do i use the papers to get coupons?
how do you use the coupon clipper’s websites?
how did you get started with couponing, was it hard at first?
how do you know if the stores that you shop at will accept your coupons?
please help me out with this it seems like fun and i really want to do this just stuck on how to get started.
Thanks for sharing need to ASAP
new couponer here, and i have a quick question, or at least i hope its a quick one!
how do you know if you can use a coupon more than once if you have multiples of that coupon? example: say you have a coupon for $1 off toliet paper. if you had printed 10 copies of that coupon, and it does not specify one per customer, if there anything that keeps you from buying 10 packs of toliet paper? i really love this idea (coupons) and want to get into it so bad!