How to Help Your Child Transition from High School to College
I am sharing some simple tips for How to Help Your Child Transition from High School to College. Is your child is going off to college? How will you manage this transition? This journey is such an important part of their foundation as an adult. Whether they attend a local community college, state university, or a private college states away, you need to help them navigate this new world.
Transition from High School to College:
While my son is not yet ready to attend college, my niece is embarking on this part of her life in the fall. As she is such a large part of our life, I know how important these next few months are going to be as we all join together to help her with the next chapter of life. I hope that these thoughts provide you with encouragement and help in the journey for your child.
Prepare them for the added responsibility
Teens everywhere will be shocked suddenly when they arrive at their first college class. Often, they find things are much different than their high school days. To help them to not be caught off guard, arrange for them to sit down and talk with a student advisor or counselor at their college.
Showing them what a syllabus looks like, and what kind of deadlines they are expected to meet will eliminate some of the shocks. Having a better understanding of expectations eliminates frustration in those first weeks and months of college.
Equip them with basic life skills
I talked some about this in a past post about things your student needs before college. One of the struggles many students will face as they move into their dorm is a lack of basic life skills. The little things that we as mothers manage for our children are often the things they need to learn how to do for themselves.
Take the time to make sure your children understand basic daily things like cleaning, laundry, making simple meals, and even how to contact and manage doctors appointments or insurance claims.
Make sure they know you will always be there if needed
One of the most important things you can instill in your children as they head to college is that you will be there for them regardless of what happens. Many young adults will make poor decisions during this time of their life. While you have spent many years training your children to make smart decisions, mistakes happen.
Make sure that before your child leaves for college, you let them know that no matter what happens, you will love them. Give them the security of knowing if they mess up, you won’t abandon them.
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.