Going Green!
Here are some tips and ideas that help us in Going Green! The little things we can do to Go Green!
Going Green:
- When you are finished with your tear off desk calendar, use the pages as scrap paper!
- Ride the bus!
- Carpool
- Use refillable pens. pen refills cost the same as a new pen!
- Use pencils that are made from recycled material!
- Set your temperature between 69 and 72. After it is set leave it there. By leaving it at a constant temperature you not only save energy but create a better environment for yourself. Temperature change causes your body to change. Keeping it at one temperature will make you feel better and rest better! Hint: We had a temp problem in our house. We always were turning it up and down. We installed a cover over our thermostat, and we have to use a key to open it. It is a hassle to open it, change the temp, fit the casing back on, and lock it. We just take something off or put something on!!
- Avoid Products that contain polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). It is extremely hard to recycle. Look for this in school supplies.
Shelley is a boy mom, marine wife, and is blessed with an amazing family. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.