When Should You Plant Your Garden
Here is a great tip for When Should You Plant Your Garden. I think the biggest question that I get about gardening is when should you plant your garden? It is a question that varies upon where you live but there are some tips that are universal.
When Should You Plant Your Garden:
You should plant above ground crops between the new moon and the full moon. The new Moon in 2013 is on May 11th and the Full Moon is May 25th. Just google to find out when the new Moon is each year. If it is possible this is a suggested time for successful harvest for the season.
I personally love to plant on Mother’s Day weekend but if the weather doesn’t allow then we try to get our garden in the weekend after. This works perfect with the new moon and full moon schedule this year! I always factor that into consideration. As wive tales go for those who wait too late your harvest will suffer.
When do you plant your above ground crops?
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
Never on Sunday if it is seeds. Never on the day that the moon will change if it is seeds.
Otherwise, I will plant startings anytime. Thanks for sharing.