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DIY Make Your Own Cookbook


DIY How To Make Your Own Cookbook

I am excited to share this D-I-Y How to Make Your Own Cookbook project with you.  I started making my own cookbooks several years ago.  Back to school time is a perfect time to start your D-I-Y Make Your Own Cookbook because everything you need is on sale!

Why did I decide to do this?  I had magazines everywhere with recipes I wanted to try.  When it came time to try them, I couldn’t find the magazine.  So, I gathered up all the magazines in my house, turned the TV on, and started cutting.  Not only did I eliminate the fire hazard of magazines, but I now had what I needed to start my own cookbook.

DIY Make Your Own Cookbook:

What you need to start your own cookbook:

  1. Hard Cover Notebook (you will need to decide which size is best)
  2. Sheet Protectors
  3. Pocket dividers (I prefer the hard plastic ones)
  4. Sharpie Pen
  5. Cut, printed, or written recipes
  6. Scissors
  7. White copy paper


  1. Gather all the magazines in your house.
  2. Cut out all the recipes you would be interested in trying.
  3. Decide on what categories you want to have in your cookbook.  My categories were pretty easy.  Pork, Chicken, Beef, Pasta, Salads, Appetizers, Seafood, Side Dishes, and so on.  I have a separate binder for all of my desserts.
  4. Write your categories on your dividers.  I bought pocket dividers to place recipes in until I have time to file properly.
  5.  Place dividers in your binder.
  6. Arrange all the recipes in to the categories on your dividers.
  7. Since you will be working on one category at a time you can place the cut recipes in your pocket dividers.
  8. If your recipes are full pages they can be put directly in to the sheet protector.  If you have recipes of different sizes your can tape or paste them on white copy paper.  Make sure they are one sided recipes.  If not you can copy one side or put it in the sheet protector to be pulled out when needed.
  9. Repeat for each category!

This will take some time at first but it is well worth it and easy to maintain.  I have people want to borrow my books and I have had friends add to them.  It is a fun activity! It is also fun to have the kids get involved.  They can make their own cookbooks and help you menu plan from them.  This way you always have recipes your family will love!

Please feel free to print any of our recipes here on Stockpiling Moms to add to your D-I-Y Make Your Own Cookbook.  Check out our articles on Menu Planning too.

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This is an original idea of Stockpiling Moms. Bloggers should not copy and post this D-I-Y Make Your Own Cookbook as your own without linking back to this original post and crediting StockpilingMoms.com.

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  1. Good idea.. I like to scrapbook my recipes. Just about the same concept only I write them out and add embellies.

  2. I have been making my own cookbook from the recipes that I use for a long time. It gives me different ideas to cook my meals instead of the usual items.

  3. My youngest (33) is finally gettng married. Her future mother in law asked if I would make some scrapbook pages with recipes from our family. She sent me samples and wow, it is
    a recipe scrapebook with pictures and decor. I have had so much fun. It will make a wonderful bridal shower gift.

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