Busy Mom’s Guide to Juggling Fall Sports Schedules
If you are blessed with athletic kids who want to participate in football, soccer, baseball, basketball or track this year then you understand the struggle to stay organized. Whether you work outside the home, work from home or are a stay-at-home mom these wild schedules can be really overwhelming once fall arrives. We have come up with the Busy Mom’s Guide to Juggling Fall Sports Schedules. Not only will these tips have you on track, but you will also find yourself arriving on time, having meals prepped and ready and being able to relax and simply enjoy the games and practices.
Create A Family Calendar: Whether you use a traditional calendar, a white board or a chalkboard doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you keep track of all of the practices, games and events you need to be shuttling kids to and from each month. There are even great apps out there you can sync on all of your families’ phones and computers. Every month make a note of every game, practice, rally and event you will need to attend or get kids to. Having everything in one place will help you decide what you need to do each day.
Menu Plan: One of the biggest struggles for moms is the task of keeping everyone fed between the crazy school schedules. Between freezer meals and crockpot meals you can easily have a warm and hearty meal ready when you arrive home after practices and games. All it takes is a bit of planning ahead. Be sure to visit our free weekly plan.
Swap With Other Parents: If the schedule just seems too extreme for practices for your family, see if you can swap with other parents on the team. Taking turns dropping off and picking up each other’s kids can give each of you a free night to catch up on chores, work or sleep.
Don’t Skip Family Time: With schedules being packed this time of year, it is really easy to skip out on family time. This leads to discontent within the family. It can even lead to struggles in parental relationships. Make sure that your calendar includes time spent together as a family without sports being involved. Whether that is one family meal a week, a weekend movie outing or attending church together doesn’t matter. What matters is coming together to share in each other’s lives.
This year don’t let the hectic fall sports schedule get to you. Follow our tips for the busy mom’s guide to juggling fall sports schedules and stay on top of your kids’ activities. No need to sacrifice sleep, a clean home or good food this year. Plan ahead and make the most of your time together. Don’t forget to wear team colors and be your kids’ biggest cheerleaders! Put those cell phones down and give them an hour of your time. Trust me, they are always checking in on you during the game.
Sports Ideas:
Check out these Game Day DIY Projects:
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.