How to Prepare for Social Distancing at School
Want to know How to Prepare for Social Distancing at School? Let’s face it. Our kids don’t know the first thing about social distancing and personal space, so this up and coming school year is certainly going to be a challenge for some, followed up with constant reminders for others.
How to Prepare for Social Distancing at School
If you’re dreading the thought of your kindergartner having to wear a mask and making friends from a distance, you’re not alone. Even if your child is older, there will still be plenty of challenges. Here is how to prepare your child for social distancing at school.
Talk with Them
Your child is more than aware of the masks that everyone is wearing and that it’s important to keep a safe distance from others, but it’s still a good idea to sit down with them when talking about the new norm that they can expect at school this year. Remind them of the importance of keeping a distance from others, even their besties, and staying with their classroom at all times.
Wash Your Hands
You’ve probably already stressed to your child that washing your hands is incredibly important to keep them from getting sick. Encourage them to wash their hands every chance they get, with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
Don’t Touch Your Face
Share with your child why it is so important that they don’t touch their face. It’s one of the fastest ways that people can get sick. Whenever they need to sneeze or cough, encourage them to do so into their elbow instead of their hands.
Carry Hand Sanitizer
Be sure to keep your child supplied with hand sanitizer at all times, since soap and warm water won’t always be an option. A sanitizer spray for desk surfaces may already be provided by the schools, but have one ready for in case they don’t.
Clean Face Shields Daily
Your school system may provide your children with face shields that are far more comfortable and easier to breathe in than wearing a mask. If that’s the case, make sure that you are washing it daily with soap and warm water and allow it to dry.
Meals From Home
Packing your kid’s lunches at home will ensure that your child is getting the nutrition they deserve, while not having to worry whether the food they are eating is safe or not. You also won’t have to feel bad about your children being the only one as you’ll find that a lot more kids will be bringing their lunches this year too. As tempting as it might be, make sure that you remind them not to share their food with others.
These are unprecedented times, and everything has changed one way or another. You might be discouraged to send your kids to school under these circumstances, but preparing your child for social distancing at school will help things run a whole lot smoother.
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.