30 Easy Back To School Organizing Tips
It may not seem time to consider back to school yet, but it is fast approaching and with it comes the need to be prepared and organized. Here are 30 Easy Back To School Organizing Tips that are sure to make the transition easy for your family this school year. Not only will you find fun things to involve your kids in doing, but things that will simply help you to save your sanity while transitioning back into the early morning school routines.
30 Easy Back To School Organizing Tips
- Pick out clothes for each day on Sunday night so children only have to pull from the stack each morning.
- Color coordinate lunch box and backpack for each child so there is no confusion in mornings on who gets what.
- Make Freezer Breakfasts ahead of time to make your mornings easier.
- In the evening portion cereal into bowls with lids so that the kids can pour milk, eat and go. Add fresh fruit that they can add to their cereal in a separate bowl. You can even portion out milk into a small container too. Keep it simple!
- Create a fun chore board for the family to use to keep track of daily tasks. Dry erase boards, markers and fun magnets are a great way to mix it up.
- Create a Homework Station that will keep kids on track when they have work to do after school.
- Make their supplies unique with a few pieces of Washi Tape or Fashion Duct Tape, so they are more likely to keep track of them or consider ordering labels.
- Save time and money with these easy DIY Lunchbox Icepacks
- Sync the family schedule to your phone for easy reminders with the Google Calendar App.
- Give your kids a boost of love with these fun Lunchbox Love Notes each day.
- Create a simple bath and shower schedule so morning toilets are quick, easy and without arguments and fighting.
- Start your earlier bedtime schedule at least two weeks before school starts to help kids adjust easily to the changes.
- Print this Free Back To School Morning Routine Printable to help you stay organized this Fall.
- Buy an extra set of school supplies to have at home so there is no need to worry about forgetting to take back to school each day.
- Give everyone in the family an “inbox” for paperwork that needs to be signed, completed or returned to school. This will cut back on missing assignments and make back to school organization a breeze.
- Buy only clothes that easily mix and match so there are no morning arguments over strange pairings by younger kids.
- Update your mudroom with a simple wall hanging coat rack that will double as a back to school backpack organization hook.
- Conquer Back To School frustrations with an afternoon “date” with each child within the first few weeks.
- Turn off wifi and unplug electronics each evening until homework is completed.
- That goes for Mom & Dad too. Make yourself available to your kids each day while they attend to homework so you can see what they are doing and give them needed encouragement and help.
- Only allow each child to choose one sport or extra curricular activity each semester. This prevents them being overwhelmed and your schedule being overbooked.
- Make a menu plan that lets everyone in the family choose at least one meal a week they want to have. When it comes to back to school organizing, having food scheduled and planned in advance will save you at least 4-5 hours a week of panic and frustration.
- Stick to your menu plan instead of grabbing take out.
- Use over the door shoe organizers to store craft and school supplies in your office for easy access.
- Use your Crock Pot. Not sure where to begin? Check out our Crock Pot Recipes.
- Give your kids daily chores and hold them responsible. Feeding pets, doing dishes, taking out trash and keeping their rooms tidy are easy and help relieve your stress level.
- Don’t forget to stop and listen to your kids needs.
- Create a chalkboard wall with inexpensive chalkboard paint or vinyl decals.
- Make a Back To School Organization Board with a cork or peg board like this one shown in Parents Magazine.
- Make time for a glass of wine, a bubble bath or your favorite reality TV show at least once a week. You deserve to relax and clear your head to start over again the next day.
No matter what your kids school routine is like these 30 Easy Back To School Organization Tips are sure to help you conquer the insanity that is the first several weeks of school. Not only can you rest easy that their needs are taken care of, but you’ll know you have created more time in your own schedule to spend listening to them, hanging out and creating memories with your children this year.
Of course sending your kids off to school with a healthy breakfast is the key! Check out Erewhon Organic Cereals. They are Non GMO, made with a short list of natural ingredients that you can actually pronounce and they taste good too! They are also allergy friendly. I have been enjoying them for three years and love the Buckwheat & Hemp Cereal.
If you are looking for a yummy after school snack then check out these Frozen Yogurt Fruit Bites made with Erewhon Cereals and Graham Crackers.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Attune Foods however all opinions are 100% my own. I personally love Erewhon cereal and have been eating it for 3 years. My personal favorite is the Buckwheat & Hemp.
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
I’m going to have to print off the morning schedule list. That is something we struggle with…lol
I’m not ready for back to school but I am ready to get organized. I love the idea of picking out all clothes on Sunday. I also am going to have to grab the Free Back To School Morning Routine Printable. So many great ideas. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Heather!
Personally, I don’t argue with my kids about what they wear unless it’s inappropriate for the weather, against dress code, or picture day. And there have been times I wanted to apologize to the teacher for letting wear those colors or patterns together….
That is too funny! You have to decide on your battles 🙂
I love the free morning routine printable. A great idea to put a little order into the morning chaos.
Great Reminders for a fresh start! Thanks!
I like the idea of a homework station, everything in one place set up. Perfect. Thanks for the tips.
These are some really great tips. I especially like the DIY lunch box ice packs!
It is so hard to believe that school is already starting. Thank you for this list of fantastic tips to help everyone get back into the swing of things 🙂
Its hard to believe school is starting again soon.
I love the idea of the Homework Station, great idea to make it all about the school and keep them focused. I also prepare there breakfast before hand too as mentioned as a tip, that way its easy for them and me, and I know they are eating right. Great tips here!
These are genius! Thanks so much for such a great post. Can’t wait share this!
I like the idea of 1 kid = 1 activity!
I NEED a morning routine or else my house is insane in the mornings! I also eat gluten free so the Erewhon Organic Cereal on the strawberries looks like the perfect afternoon snack! Thanks!
#1 is one of my favorite tips. We do this every Sunday night, and it avoids so many morning struggles.
Great tips, Melissa! And I’m a fan of Erewhon Cereals too…actually all of Attune Foods products. Good stuff.
Lots of great tips! Plus I have to try Erewhon Organic Cereals.
Thanks for the Back To School Tips and for sharing more about Erewhon Organic Cereals. I’m going to look for one of their Gluten Free cereals at my Kroger store!
Lots of great tips!
I love learning about organic products. This brand looks awesome. Great cereal without all the extra sugar and gunk.
So many great tips, I love the idea of Freezer Breakfasts!
What a great list of tips. Some I already do and there are some I want to try. I would love to have a chalkboard wall in my kitchen.
Awesome tips! I am fairly unorganized, this should help a lot!
I’m really going to try and start meal planning for the month. Maybe take baby steps and start out with a week at a time. So many afternoons spent staring into the fridge mindlessly. Thanks for all the tips!
Great article, going to have to save this! Thanks!
I love the tip about turning off electronics – I know I spend too much time on my computer!
Great ideas!
Perfect for a new kindergarten routine.
These are great tips. I am going to pin them and use them in my back to school routine
Wow these are a lot of tips. I can def be organized with these
Great tips! They’ll come in handy!
Turn off electronics; so true!
The key to organization is to get as much done the night before.
Label all of your children’s supplies and jackets! I’m a Pre-k teacher and we appreciate when clothes are labeled.
wow. thank you for some great tips.
I love these ideas! Especially the homework station.
Great tips. It will be our 3rd year getting ready for back to school, but will have 2 in school this year! I will keep some of these in mind 🙂
Good tips
Great tips
Make sure your kids eat breakfast, and get a good night’s sleep, so they can be more pleasant and productive in class!
I love the DIY lunchbox icepacks! Great idea.
Great tips. My children are adults now, but I have a grandchild. Utilizing some of these ideas will be very beneficial for his parents.
I will be using quite a few of these.
Great tips! And a lot of these will work year-round too 🙂
great ideas
Ah, how I love organization….:)
Won’t be going back to school for a while, but nice tips.
I’m out of practice with little ones because who used to be my youngest graduated from high school last year. And now this year we are starting over with our 4 year old….So this is very helpful.
These are such good tips – hopefully they’ll make mornings go smoother!
The last one may be my favorite! But seriously these are good tips..Thanks!
a friend of mine, said his son already started back to school. where does the summer go? i dont have kids however, i am not liking he school buses holding up traffic in the morning and the afternoon. i was very organized when i was in school, i picked out my clothes the night b4 and had everything ready to go. we had a carpool.
Love using the buckwheat and hemp cereal to make snack bars for lunches. Can use recipe similar to rice crispie treats but substitute buckwheat cereal.
Lunchbox Love Notes are simply the best idea!
Going to school was my favorite time in life.
One of of two basic ideas for the morning before parting. A) do the overnight freeze of leftovers and bring with, but for breakfast itself, one could whip up a simple smoothie w/any hemp protein, frozen blueberries, raspberries and maybe toss in some goji berries while at it, and blend up in almond mylk (prefereably homemade) or otherwise, option B) Erewhon supergrains cereal cooked into “overnight oats” the night before to mak for some seriously soulful multigrain hot cereal (maybe top w/ hemp or flax seeds, and almond, coconut or hemp milk and raw honey).
I love the idea of turning off electronics. It gives families a chance to hang out together and kids time to unwind.
I like to put jokes in their lunch boxes.
We use Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice cereal to make our own bread crumbs. Got the recipe from Erewhon. Gluten Free!
I love the Erewhon crispy brown rice and corn flakes! I will pour my cereal in a reusable container with some sliced almonds and I have an easy breakfast on the go!
Great ideas!
Lots of ideas!
Good ideas!
I make the lunch the night before. This way no fuss in the morning. just put everything in a container.
The frozen breakfast make ahead meals is a great idea! Thanks for these helpful hints!
I absolutely love the erewhon buckwheat and hemp cereal! I eat it almost every morning for breakfast!!
Love these ideas!
LOVING your tips..especially the lunchbox ice packs ideas..and, so many more..thanks!! Happy school year.
Great ideas!
Thank you for these amazing ideas!
I like the washi tape idea!!
Don’t get carried away if your child doesn’t like his or her breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Ask him or her to choose something that would make it taste better…for example, a sprinkle of sugar makes green beans taste ‘magical’.
Practical and creative tips ! ♪♫
I love the organizations tips !!! Thank you so much
As a Gluten Free Family we love your cereals better than the others available! Thank you!!!