What do you do when you forget to move your Elf on the Shelf?
What do you do when you forget to move your Elf On The Shelf? It has happened to us ALL at some time. First of all don’t stress out and second of all be prepared if you do.
We had a reader who asked us the following question.
I have a question about Elf on the shelf. My friend forgot one night to move the elf, how do you explain to the kids? Her daughter is very upset over this. I suggest the Elf took a day off, but it didn’t go over to well.
What do you when you forget to move your Elf on the Shelf?
If you are like me and you create an elaborate and fun theme for your Elf you will more than likely not forget to move him but if you are busy, tired and forgetful (which is understandable) then my advice is to SET AN ALARM on your cell phone. We also try to post a reminder at 10:00 pm every night on our facebook page too! This will be a lifesaver! If you forget to move your elf – don’t worry. Here are some ideas from readers for you if you do.
“I say that they can probably see them better from that spot.”
“Huh, guess the elf really liked sitting there!”
“He needed to keep an eye on you from that perch.”
“I tell the kids he was really tired.”
“I guess you were so good yesterday that he didn’t have anything to report.”
“Somebody must have not been on their best behavior so he won’t move to a new spot until everyone is really good for the whole day”.
Have you ever forgotten to move your elf on the shelf? If so what did you say?
Elf On The Shelf Tips and Ideas:
Elf On The Shelf 101 for Newbies
Elf on A Shelf Calendar Printable
Elf On A Shelf Supply List Printable
Elf On A Shelf Goodbye Printable
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
I’d had that happen several times! We either say due to the weather he couldn’t make it back, he’s only going back every other day, I guess you were really good and he didn’t have anything to report! LOL! That’s always the “oh bummer” moment when you realize you forgot!