Udi’s Gluten Free Foods Taste Delicious
Udi’s Gluten Free Foods Taste Delicious. I was recently sent a box of Udi’s Gluten Free Foods to review, and I can honestly tell you that I was unsure how they would taste. Since I found out I have a Gluten Intolerance and went Gluten Free I have really only been eating whole foods. This is my first taste of baked products in months!
Udi’s Gluten Free Foods Taste Delicious:
I wasn’t sure if they would be “as good” as the regular (full of gluten) baked goods and was a little apprehensive. However, in the end I have to tell you that I was 100% thrilled with all of the products! In fact, I kept thinking Udi’s products are so delicious and looking at the packaging to make sure they were truly gluten-free! Of course, they are but it was shocking to think that the Gluten Free products tasted as good as they do and in reality, like “regular” baked goods! Of course, the benefit for me is I was able to eat these without suffering belly pain after 🙂
I sampled bagels and muffins, and, in the end, they were DELICIOUS! If you are eliminating Gluten from your life, then you should definitely check out Udi’s Gluten Free products! The Gluten Free Lemon Streusel Muffins were not “too lemony” which was my concern. I don’t love lemon in general when it comes to baked goods, but these were not over-powering. The Gluten Free Double Chocolate Muffins were fabulous! They have chocolate chips in them and even my son loved them too! The bagels were great! I toasted them and ate with cream cheese, and I have to say it was such a treat for me!
If you are not familiar with Udi’s Gluten Free Foods, they are the #1 gluten free baked goods brand, who revolutionized the category when it introduced the first gluten-free bread that tastes and looks like “real” bread. I have to say that is exactly how I would describe it!
I am super excited that Walmart will carry 5 of Udi’s best-selling products (soft white bread, soft whole grain bread, plain bagels, chocolate chip cookies, and pizza crust) in the bakery department. Woo Hoo! To see if there is a Walmart near you that carries Udi’s, enter your zip code into our store locator: www.udisglutenfree.com/
Disclosure: Udi’s sent me these goodies to try but this is 100% my own opinion.
Other Gluten Free Posts:
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
You should also check out the brand Schar. Their foods taste completely normal also. I love them.
Thanks! I will. Are you also Gluten Free?
Yes. I was just diagnosed with Celiac in September. So was my daughter.
I was too!