Tips for creating bonds with your teen
Tips for creating bonds with your teen. For me it is sushi Sunday! My favorite couple hours of the week. After my son got his license I realized I was really missing the one on one time that I used to get by driving him to and from school every day.
So we created our own time together. If you aren’t spending one on one time with your teen you are really missing out.
It goes by so fast. My advice is find out what they love and then enjoy it together.
So for me it’s always been spending time driving my man child to school and practice, to and from games and now for sushi on Sunday’s.
Find something your teen loves and then create a tradition around it. For us it is sushi. My son just recently discovered a new love for sushi. And I love sushi so this is something that we can enjoy together each week.
On the car ride back and forth plus the time we spend together it is a great opportunity for us to catch up. I use this time to catch up on his week and see what is planned for the week ahead.
This is a time for us to have heart to heart conversation. The only rule. No technology. We spend about 2 hours together and it is the best two hours of my week.
It is more than sushi.
Find something that interests your teen and spend some one on one time enjoying that together. Some other ideas: golf range, pick a different restaurant every week to try, play cards, go on a hike. Whatever it is that interests your teen that is what you should do. I hope these tips for creating bonds with your teen assist you in making memories.
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.