Can you freeze cream cheese?
I often get asked, can you freeze cream cheese? The answer is Yes, and No. I know that sounds funny but YES you can freeze it. Will it be as good as if it had never been frozen? Well that depends on how you plan to use it.
How to Freeze Cream Cheese:
You can freeze it directly in the original package. It does change the consistency once frozen however if are using it in cooking or heating then just use a spoon to smooth the texture back and then it is no problem to use even in the normal form. You can also microwave it to smooth as well and it goes back to it’s (almost) normal consistency.
As it cools it will not be as creamy as if unfrozen, so I find it best to use for cooking or not in its original form for best results. I freeze cream cheese all of the time! I use it for skyline dip and taco dip or other recipes that call for cream cheese in a cooked form.
Frozen Cream Cheese can also be used for spreading but I do find it to be crumbly, so you do have to use a spoon smooth and microwave it to get it back to an almost normal consistency. However, it will work. I often use it to make a cream cheese ball, pepperoni rolls and salami rolls. Another use for frozen cream cheese is this Cherry Cheesecake in a Jar.
By freezing you can extend the life by 4 to 6 months. Just write the date you put it into the freezer with a permanent marker so you know how long it has been there.
Check out these 20 Recipes That Use Cream Cheese.
20 Cream Cheese Recipes:
Strawberry Cream Cheese Muffins
Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese Rolls
Mini No Bake Nutella Cheesecakes
California Cream Cheese Sushi Roll
Secret Ingredient Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Whipped Cream Cheese Icing
Banana Cream Cheese Pie Recipe
Layered Turtle Cheesecake Recipe
“Everything” Mashed Potato Casserole Recipe
Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert Pizza
Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.
We love to stock up on cream cheese when it is cheap and freeze it! We do the same with goat cheese, too!
Will have to try goat cheese 😉
Can you freeze cream cheese if your making a choc. mixture with the cream cheese. I wouldn’t be cooking it at all for this recipe. would love to hear your input on this.
Maryann G
Yes, you sure can! Try the microwave method to get it to get back to the right consistency.
I all ready mixed everything together. would I still be able to micro wave it? with all the other ingred.? I still have to dip the balls in melted choc.
Maryann G
I freeze Cream Cheese, to get it smooth again all you need to do is put it in a bowl, microwave it till you can stir it smooth ( stop and stir it a couple of times and then Ref. it again if you are going to use it cold.
Works Very Well.
It makes it smooth like before.
I have done it many times, but if you want it cold you must give yourself enough time.
What about freezing this new Cooking Creme? Anyone try it? It’s 50 cents a tub, with coupon during the Kroger Mega. I would like to buy a bunch and freeze it if it can be frozen.
I don’t know but I would think it would be ok. Mine doesn’t expire until July 2011 so I am going for it 🙂
I am getting some tonite and didn’t realize it had such a long expiration date. good to know. thanks!
Once frozen, could you use that cream cheese to bake with? I have a favorite cookie recipe that calls for cream cheese (8 oz).
Yes, it works great!
So I’m guessing it would be fine to use in cheesecake after it’s been frozen? I really like my mixture to be smooth before I bake it, but maybe it’s not a big deal? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks!
Yes, I think it would be fine for cheesecake – not as smooth though as if it had never been frozen.
I bought alot of pkgs of cream cheese 3 days ago & froze it. Today I laid it out to thaw & when I used it to bake with it was very crumbly. Which is OK b/c I baked with it. But my major concern is I have to make SEVERAL cheese balls in about 3 weeks and I don’t think crumbly cream cheese will work in my cheeseballs. Thats what makes the cheese balls smooth & creamy like. Should I take out of freezer now & put in fridge since they have only been frozen for 3 days, hoping they won’t be so crumbly in a few weeks when I go to make all my cheese balls?
Thanks for the info on freezing cream cheese, beginning to work with more cream cheese making cheese cakes.. Will the consistency be the same once softened again to bake with?
Wow, so happy I read this. I just had a family reunion that I bought a bunch of cream cheese for that we didn’t use. I was afraid it was going to go to waste but now I know I can freeze it.
Thanks Ladies.
What about freezing for using it for a cheesecake later on?
I know baking a cheesecake you have to follow the instructions to a tee.
I have never done it myself but I would think it would effect the quality of the cheesecake.
I used frozen (and then thawed) cream cheese in a New York style cheesecake recipe. It was perfect. No real texture change except maybe a little less smooth. I whipped the cream cheese really well, though, and that helped with the lumps.
Great! Thanks for sharing!
What about freezing a cream cheese mixture that has hard boiled eggs in it? I had a party and prepared the filling for vol au vents with cream cheese, hard boiled eggs and tuna, but did double the amount that I needed and I don’t want it to waste away! Maybe I could freeze it to use on Christmas day?
No, hard boiled eggs don’t freeze well at all.
does this work for the lower fat neuchatel cream cheese?
I also read the first comment about goat cheese. This is helpful because I often end up with leftover goat cheese after I’ve prepared a recipe that calls for just a little bit.
It does work with lower fat but not well with fat free
As far as using frozen cream cheese for things like cheesecakes, has anyone tried using an immersion blender on a low speed? I have not tried freezing and unfreezing cream cheese but I can anticipate what it’s texture after unfreezing would be like and I would think that using an immersion blender briefly on a low speed would really help improve the texture and smoothness of the cream cheese and “batter”.
I don’t have an immersion blender but my friend does so I asked her to give it a try and she said it worked well.
Wow, some of the things I read on these sites is incredible. I was always told that if this was frozen, there would be more water in it, thereby rendering it useless.
I was told that before as well 😉
hi, i wanted to know if i can use the cream cheese in a cream cheese frosting for a cake after it has been frozen. thank u.
I am making cookies with cream cheese. Just wondering if I could freeze them after they are baked?
Yes, you can!
I remember hearing some where you cab freeze cream cheese. Took it out to use and didn’t know that the consistency was going to be crumbly. So its good to know that is normal. 🙂
Good to know!
After reading all the comments on sour cream and cream cheese, I think I will just stick to the freeze dried or dehydrated sour cream and cream cheese……….both are very good without all of the hassle and then it is never the same…….last just as long and you can depend on it.
Hi, I made a dip using cream cheese, bacon, Ranch dip mix for Thanksgiving. Too much left over, don’t want to throw, can I freeze it until Christmas? Thanks, Helen
Yes you can!
Thank you Melissa. My daughter will be happy. It was meant for her to take home and I forgot to give it to her. Now we can have it at Christmas.
I want to make cookies with cream cheese in the dough, do you think I can make the cookies and freeze them before baking? Suggestions on defrosting or shall I just bake the cookies frozen?
Most dough can be frozen.