8 most common food allergens
There are the 8 most common allergens. If you are having issues with foods, these are the top 8 that I would suggest considering eliminating or testing for intolerance or allergy for.
8 most common allergens:
They include:
- wheat
- soy
- tree nuts
- egg
- peanuts
- shellfish
- dairy
- fish
By keeping a food diary, it is often easy to see what foods are causing you intolerance or reactions. I suggest at a minimum a 2-week diary to see if there are triggers. This is what most doctors will request for you to do so it is nice if you have taken this step prior to seeing your doctor. I kept one for 6 weeks before my positive test for Celiac.
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Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.