101 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Girls
Check out our 101 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Girls. It is almost that time again! Christmas will be here before we know it! I like to shop at the dollar store and dollar bins for the majority of my Stocking Stuffer Shopping however it is not always possible to get all your items there.
I hope this kid approved list will help you with ideas for Stocking Stuffer ideas for Girls! The biggest tip we can give you is that you start shopping for next year the day after Christmas. Pick up as many clearance and discounted items right after the holiday when they get marked down. Read this article on Stockpiling For The Holidays.
101 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Girls
- Barbie
- Playdough
- Coloring Books
- Character Toothbrush
- Character Bandaids
- My Little Pony
- Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils
- Moon Dough or Kinetic Sand
- Hulla Hoop
- Jump Rope
- Bubbles
- Puzzles
- Sand Toys
- Water Gun
- Nail Wraps
- Bouncy Balls
- Sidewalk Chalk
- Make up
- Books
- Slinky
- Board Game
- Nail Polish
- Sunglasses
- Hat
- Dolls
- Bubble Bath
- Gift Card
- Bath Toys
- Beading Supplies
- Stuffed Animal
- Stickers
- Character Shampoo/Body Wash
- Washcloth Cube
- Hairbrush
- Dress Up Clothes
- Hair Bow
- Stamps/Ink Pad
- Crayola Twistables
- Headband
- Barrettes
- Flashlight
- Drawing Pad
- Word Search
- Watch
- Earphones or Earbuds
- Rainbow Loom or Bands
- Watercolors
- Butterfly Net
- Magnifying Glass
- Marbles
- Jacks
- Money
- Colored Hair Spray
- Magazine
- Video Games
- Shoes
- Christmas Outfit
- PJ’s
- Fish in a bowl or small aquarium
- Crystal Growing Kit
- Paper Dolls
- Spirograph
- Gel Pens
- Diary
- Construction Paper
- Tickets to Zoo, Aquarium or other local attraction
- Movie Tickets
- Nail Art Kit
- Purse
- American Girl Doll Clothes
- Barbie Clothes
- Travel Games
- Tights or Fancy Socks
- Backpack
- Water Bottle
- Sand Art
- Card Games
- Beach Towel
- Goggles
- Paint by Number
- Face Paint
- Hamster
- Guinea Pig
- Membership to Animal Jam
- Membership to Club Penguin
- Earrings
- Chia Pet
- Flip Flops
- Bracelet
- Necklace
- Ring
- Etch-a-Stetch or Magna Doodle
- Kite
- Temporary Tattoos
- Lip Gloss
- CD
- Coupon for Dinner of your choice
- Chuck-E-Cheese Tokens
- Glow Sticks
- Nail Art
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.