Tips For Making Time To Exercise
One of the biggest struggles in getting healthy is actually getting started moving. These Tips for Making Time to Exercise will help you to make this a reality instead of simply a dream. It has been proven time and again that the best way to lose weight is to have a decrease in calorie intake and an increase in movement. Exercise is vital not just for weight loss, but also for immune health. These tips will make that possible.
Tips For Making Time to Exercise
Go to bed earlier. When you go to bed even a half hour earlier, your body feels more like waking up and tackling this one thing on your to-do list. Rising 30 minutes earlier each day will give you a chance to do some simple workout walking or dance videos before you even grab a shower and start the day. Turn off the television and go to bed earlier so your body feels like getting up prior to everyone else in the mornings to get some exercise in.
Workout when the kids go to bed. If you live in a home where you have a separate space away from the kids’ rooms to do basic walking in place, dance moves or even simply some floor exercises and basic weight training, you can easily squeeze in a half hour of exercise after they are in bed. Give up your nightly session with a favorite TV show, and instead get moving.
Make extra steps throughout the day. An increase in movement, even small amounts is a great thing. Park farther away from your destination. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk the kids to the park instead of driving, or even make use of kid’s sports practices and games to make laps around a parking lot, field or track while waiting. There are tons of great ways to get moving throughout the day that will keep you from becoming sedentary.
Make it part of play time with your kids. Instead of sacrificing time with your kids to go to the gym, make exercise and movement a part of your play time. Get outside for a game of tag, some basketball or a fun natural walk.
Every bit of movement you make is an improvement to your health. These tips for making time for exercise are easy to follow in your daily life and will lead to a healthier and happier existence for your entire family.
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.