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How to remove fat from ground beef

I love this cooking tip for how to remove fat from ground beef or any ground meat. I use it when I cook ground pork, chicken or turkey. This is a heart healthy tip if you are trying to reduce your cholesterol and fat intake from your diet.

Kitchen Tip - Kitchen Tip, How To Remove Fat From Ground Beef. This is a heart healthy tip.

How to remove fat from ground beef:

Cook or brown ground meat in a pan. Drain any visible fat using a colander. Next simply place your browned ground meat into a colander and run hot water through it for about 2 minutes. Allow the hot water to continue running for another minute to help any fat continue down the drain. Return your meat to the skillet after you wipe it out. This is a great way to remove fat, reduce calories and help with heart health.

I hope this tip helps you! I also cook with ground chicken or ground turkey to save myself from any fat from beef when I am really watching my cholesterol.

Recipes Using Ground Beef That You May Enjoy:

Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

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Beef Stroganoff

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Italian Stuffed Green Peppers

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  1. Great tip but you don’t want to do it. Grease going down your kitchen drain will clog your sewer lines causing an expensive, & smelly back up.

  2. OR you can leave the flavor in the meat, and understand that sugar is a bigger culprit in causing inflammation and heart issues than the natural fats in our diets.

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