A mothers love is unmeasurable
There is nothing like a mother’s love. The best gift I’ve ever been given is the gift of motherhood. There was a time when I didn’t know if I would become a mother, but I called out to God and He answered my prayers.
A mother’s love is unmeasurable:
If you want to watch the coolest thing on the internet this, is it! A live feed of an eagle “couple” who are trying to bring a set of chicks into the world in Big Bear, CA. Their names are Jackie and Shadow, and they are such good parents. Jackie is the true definition of the word mother. She loves these chicks and has sat for up to 60+ hours in one stretch with no breaks! Shadow comes and relieves her for a few hours at a time, when she will leave and brings her fresh fish and nesting to add for protection of the chicks (there are three of them).
Watching this eagle sit on her nest protecting her chicks in the freezing snow brings me to tears.
It reminds me of the countless days and nights I sat and waited for Peyton to arrive home to be placed into my arms forever. There were any tears, sacrifice and prayers as I waited for his process to be complete.
Then it takes me to the years I sat on the sidelines in freezing temperatures and snow/rain/sleet/ to watch him play soccer. I would never consider missing a game or sitting in the car. If he was on the field, then I was on the sideline. I have always been his number one fan and will continue to be.
If you are interested in watching the eagles and joining me in “pip watch”. I highly recommend it.
There is nothing I wouldn’t do or sacrifice for my son. A mother’s love is unlike any other. This eagle reminds me of the sacrifice, hard work, dedication and grit that it takes to be a mother. It is the hardest most rewarding job I have ever been given. I love my son to the moon and back. My love for my son reminds me of that same love that Jackie has for her baby chicks.
Melissa is a football and soccer mom who has been married to her best friend for 24 years. She loves sharing recipes, travel reviews and tips that focus on helping busy families make memories.